NEW: My Special Angel (LOTRps Elijah/Viggo) [R]

Apr 29, 2005 18:27

Title: My Special Angel
Author: Saklani (
Codes: Viggo/Elijah RPS
Rating: R for language and some m/m sex implications
Disclaimer: I do not own these men, or anything else I mention here. I am not looking to make money from this... God forbid. And I am NOT them nor is what I put down here real. Thank you.
Summary: Maybe Viggo ate something bad for dinner?
Author's Notes: This is CRACK!fic written for wushu76 and the contrelamontre challenge of dreams, green, towel and dent (my very first fic for the challenge). Please do not look for any kind of sense to this story!

Viggo climbed out of the shower, grabbing his towel and wrapping it securely around his waist.  He wiped off the mirror, sending condensation streaking down the wet glass to pool on the sink.  With a little smile, he surveyed himself carefully, turning around and checking every area.

"Not bad, old man," he muttered to himself.

"No, very nice indeed," someone answered from across the room.

Viggo dropped his towel and jumped back in surprise, nearly causing a dent in his head when it banged into the wall.  "OW!  Fuck!  Dominic, what the fuck are you doing here!?"

Dominic looked Viggo up and down, his forked tongue snaking out to lick at his lips in quiet appreciation.  "My goodness, how do you stuff that into such tight pants?"

Viggo swallowed hard and picked up his green towel again to secure around his waist and shield himself from the slightly glowing eyes. "I think you need to go now."

A little ripple of annoyance shook along Dom's muscles.  He glided forward smoothly and quick as a snake, ripped the small piece of fabric off Viggo.  "I don't think so, handsome.  You can't flash me the good without being willing to share."

Taking an instinctive step back, Viggo sought a way passed the leering Dom.

"They are not to be shared with you.  I told you that already."

"Oh, I know what you told me... but I also know you don't really mean it." The lithe form advanced aggressively, backing Viggo up into the corner by the sink and effectively trapping him.  "Just relax, old man, this won't hurt a bit."

Viggo reached out to push Dom away, but his hands were batted down

"You should know better," the British voice scolded.  "I'm not one you should anger."

"Neither am I," said another voice, as light flooded the room.

Dom hissed and whirled to face his rival.  "You always ruin my best moments."  He reached out and stroked Viggo's flank lightly.  "Though you could watch."

Elijah glided in, light flooding from his face and form.  His wings fluttered lightly in anger.  "Touch him to your regret, demon."

Dom's long, forked tongue flicked out at Elijah in mockery.  "What shall you do to me, angel?  Kill me?" he taunted.

With a slight wave of his fingers, Elijah produced a glowing ball of purest light.  "I will make you feel for him," he said with deep warning.

A look of disgust flickered across Dom's face, as he glanced back at Viggo and then at Elijah again.  "The way you do?"

"I love him," Elijah said, smiling at the human still trapped against the tiles.  "I will protect him with any method available to me."

The demon shuddered again, his whole form seeming to ripple in and out of reality.  "You would make me feel love?"

White wings opening to their fullest, Elijah stepped forward again, still holding out the light.  "To protect him from your evil, I would give you my love, so you would give to him the feelings he deserves.  And then freely would I allow him to leave with you."

Viggo relaxed against the tiles, his face now unconcerned as he gazed at the loveliness of Elijah.  No harm could ever come to him while such a perfect being loved him so.  "I would ever stay with you, my angel."

Dom's scowl deepened, as he gazed back at the man.  "I would offer you anything any mortal heart could desire- immortality, eternal youth, sexual gratification...  and yet, you would scorn me for one you cannot even touch."

A slight droop tilted Elijah's wings downward.  Indeed, as an angel, no mortal may touch him without profaning against all that was sacred. Yet, he longed to merely brush his fingers against Viggo.

"You cannot love me," Viggo said softly, "and I can love no other but him. He is truly my angel, so though I may never know him physically, my heart is content."

Dom leaped in the air a little, his long tail thrashing about him angrily.  "You will again turn me down!?"

Dropping his eyes, Viggo nodded at the demon.  "I will ever turn you down."

With a huff of breath, Dominic whirled on Elijah and waved one fist at him in anger.  "There will come a day, creature of light, when I shall have your love and naught shall there be for you to stop me."  His form blazed in fire and vanished from the room, leaving a sulfur smell behind.

"I owe you again, my love," Viggo whispered, taking a step toward the beautiful angel, but stopping well before being in range to touch him.

"You owe me nothing," Elijah said, his full mouth parted in a smile of relief and love.  "He chases you because I am drawn to you.  Tis my fault he desires your soul."  A graceful arch of wings implied how distressed this fact made Elijah.

"He shall ever seek mine in vain," Viggo promised, not wishing his love to be upset.  "I will be faithful to you for however long my soul may persist. And thereafter, if it be possible."

Elijah's joy created a radiance that erupted around them both and bounced off the tiled walls.  The whole room burst into white light, glowing brighter and brighter until it rivaled the sun itself...

Viggo woke up with a jolt, his hand reflexively tightening around the small form curled into him.  As the sleep induced fog cleared from his brain, his eyes focused on a tousled mop of black hair and pale skin by his side.  A smile tilted his lips into a warm expression, as he bent down to kiss a pulse point beating on the enticing neck.

"Viggo?" Elijah muttered sleepily, rolling a bit and blinking at him owlishly at him with large, blue eyes.

"Hello," Viggo murmured, his lips now trailing upward and pressing sweet kisses everywhere they touched.  His hand swept down to caress Elijah's sensitive lower abdomen, causing the man to moan and stretch, exposing more of himself.  "Have I ever mentioned how much I love you?"

Elijah arched and moaned again, unable to answer as Viggo stroked his stomach and moved on to caress his cock.

Glad that in his real world, Viggo could touch his beautiful lover, he worked to bring the man to a quick and thrilling climax.  "Have I ever told you how happy I am that it was you I chose?"

"Viggo!  Viggo!" Elijah cried, cresting and riding his orgasm hard.  His head fell back against Viggo's chest, as he murmured and whimpered his delight.

"My lovely little angel," Viggo whispered and kissed his cheek, "how happy I am that you are much more than a dream."

viggo, lij

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