Doubles challenge: Doppelganger

Dec 07, 2004 12:39

Written for the Doubles challenge.

Title: Doppelganger
Author: shamera
Fandom: FullMetal Alchemst
Pairing: Ed!EnvyxEd
Rating: NC-17
Time: 94 minutes (oops?)
Words: 3,398
Warnings: PWP, TWT, NCS, armless!sex
Author's Notes: sucks?

The first thing that Edward noticed when he woke up was the strange color of the ceiling.

Or rather, he thought after a few minutes of groggy staring, the floor. He usually slept on his back, facing the ceiling, so he hadn’t been able to understand what it was so close when he woke up. But after some thinking, Edward came to realize that he had his nose pressed against the cement ground of some storage room.

But how did he get there? Certainly he couldn’t have fallen asleep in that position, in that place, no matter how tired he must have been before. Al would never have allowed him to sleep on the ground, because his little brother was like that and worried over his health more than Ed ever did.

The second thought that eventually came to him was that he didn’t recognize the room. He didn’t remember how he got there, but his memory was blurry at best.

Where’s Al? he thought groggily has gold eyes continued to stare at the ground, his thoughts still too muddied. He frowned, not understanding why nothing seemed to be as sharp as he remembered. He tried pushing himself up and shake his head to clear his thoughts, but only managed a yelp as he crashed back onto the ground when he discovered that his automail arm was gone, and that his flesh arm wasn’t very happy about trying to support his weight.

He hissed in pain, feeling a dulled throb in his wrist and forehead where he had hit the unforgiving floor.

“So you’re finally awake, then?”

Edward turned his face towards the voice, feeling a slow burn as he recognized the tone and who it might belong to. All of a sudden the grogginess and the slow feeling of his uncooperative muscles seemed to make a bit more sense- but it still boggled his mind to see himself standing just a few feet away at the door of the room, with that malicious grin and an automail hand turning the lock to the room.

Ed snarled as he moved his body up slightly, pushing with a shaking arm to sit in an upright position. The room was strangely empty, he noticed, with nothing more than a light bulb dangling from the nondescript ceiling. The door itself was made of steel, and his arm was gone.

His imposter stood there grinning at him for a moment, and Edward wondered at who the hell that was for a moment, his thoughts still coming slowly even though it was better than it had been mere moments ago.

“I love military complexes.” His imposter was saying, in that tone of voice Ed usually used when particularly pleased with something. “They always have a few empty rooms for your usage, and they don’t check on their storage areas for months unless they actually have something stored.” The imposter brought a hand up to tap his cheek- that grin still in place and making Ed antsy for a reason that he didn’t want to think about. He supposed that it was because he made him want to deck the imposter for taking his style.

“Who the fuck…” it was harder to speak than Ed remembered it, and he slurred his tongue around his mouth for a moment before continuing, “Are you?”

“Who do I look like? I’m the Fullmetal Alchemist, of course!”

Ed flinched back as the imposter took several quick strides toward him, and grabbed his hair in a tight grip, forcing Ed to stare up at his own face, complete with a look of utter hate in those familiar gold eyes he saw in the mirror everyday.

“I’m Edward Elric, don’t you know?” the voice mocked him. “Although I can be anyone I want. It was really too easy to deceive your friends into thinking that I’m you. You have a distinct personality- all I have to do is march around ranting about what a moron I am, and going ‘woe is me!’ and no one would notice that you’re missing.”

The tight grip tightened even further as the face came closer to his, and Edward grimaced, but glared defiantly at the face. This meant that the imposter had been there for a while, and that the military probably hadn’t even noticed. Who in the world could have been able to look so much like him-?

Even with his senses dulled, the answer didn’t take long to come to him.

“Envy.” Ed spat in the imposter’s face. “You’re a fucking nutcase, you know that?”

The gleam in the gold eyes only grew stronger as the imposter grinned, not making any move to change back into his own form. “Ahh, but nutcases are labels given to humans.” The face came closer, brushing noses with Ed. “And you never seem to forget that I’m not human.”

Edward desperately thought of how he came to be in this position, his mind drawing blanks about what happened previous. What day was it? What had happened to him? The most recent memory he had was talking to Al about some inane author of a horribly translated alchemical book, an author who had been long dead and had ridiculous theories about human transmutation and the sort.

What had happened after that?

“Al must have noticed you’re not me.” Edward said with all surety, drawing up a victorious expression even as he pushed up higher to gain some leverage against Envy. It was creepy how the Sin looked exactly like him, down to the feeling of his hair getting trapped between automail fingers.

“Not if he didn’t see me.” Envy confirmed gleefully. “Your precious Colonel has informed your dear little brother that you shall be studying in the first branch of the national library today… So I have you all to myself until the library closes.”


Ed did a quick assessment of his situation as his thoughts became sharper still, whatever drug he had been hit with slowly wearing off. His arm was gone, and he had nothing in the room to use to draw an array, and he was trapped between a Sin and the door.

Fuck, he thought again as he gritted his teeth, watching Envy warily as the Sin stared at him with a burning hunger and hatred that made Edward fear for his life. He had no doubt that the Sin would kill him at that very moment if not for the memory that Envy (as well as the other Sins) still needed him to create the Philosopher’s Stone.

But, they could always use another alchemist.

A hand came up to touch his cheek, and Ed sneered before grabbing the wrist with his one hand, glaring defiantly despite that Envy still had a tight grip of his hair and he wasn’t going to be able to move anywhere at the moment.

Gold eyes darkened in anger and Envy shook free from Ed’s grasp easily, backhanding his double, enjoying the sounds of Edward gasping for breath as he hit the floor again, and pushed up once again on his elbow, trying to get up on shaky legs.

“I wouldn’t be angering me if I were you.” Envy informed in with mock-cheerfulness, stepping over the other boy easily and pushing Ed back on the ground, kneeling above him. “Especially since you’re at a slight disadvantage here.” He tapped the empty automail port lightly, grinning feral at Ed, all teeth and flashing gold eyes.

Edward used that opportunity to kick up at his doppelganger, catching Envy by surprise as the Sin got kneed hard in the stomach, and pushed the other off of him, stumbling to his feet as taking off for the door on the other side of the room, grateful that his left leg was still intact.

He hit the door heavily with his side, cursing as he fumbled with the knob, trying to undo the lock with still shaky hands before Envy could recover and come at him again, because the Sin had a look in his eyes that made Edward burn because it just wasn’t right, and he couldn’t place that look-

That was before he felt an automail fist hit the nape of his neck, and Edward gasped with pain before giving up on the knob, deciding to bang and kick against the door as Envy dragged him away, grunting with the effort.

“No one’s going to hear you.” Envy informed him as he threw Edward back against the other side of the room, this time a look of malice crossing his face. Edward’s face. The same face that Ed saw in the mirrors or whenever he passed by shop windows. “No one ever goes to look in empty storage rooms.”

“You’re a sick fuck.” Ed said hoarsely, spitting out the small amount of blood that had gathered as he bit down too hard on his tongue. “What the hell do you want from me?”

There was a moment of hesitation before he felt the touch in his hair again, although this time it wasn’t a tight grip, but a smooth caress of the golden strands. Somehow, it made Ed feel more trapped than Envy had grabbed his hair.

“I fucking hate you.” Was the response that Envy gave, his voice heavy with venom. “You look too much like him. Especially your fucking hair, and your eyes, and your jaw…” a metal hand grabbed Ed’s jaw and turned his face so that he was staring up at Envy, up at his doppelganger. “I wonder if I’d like you better if I broke that jaw… and clawed out your eyes. I can keep them with me, as well as your hair, so I can remember you.”

“You’re insane.” Edward managed as he was forced to stare into those eyes, swallowing hard as his arm was grabbed by Envy, and his legs trapped as the Sin sat down on his thighs, grinning at him.

“But still,” Envy continued, ignoring Ed’s last statement. “There’s an appeal to you, that’s for sure…” He buried his face in Ed’s neck, and the other yelped and squirmed to get away, unsuccessful as his body was trapped by an immortal being that far surpassed his own strength.

Ed blanched as he felt a wetness on his neck, realizing that the Sin was licking him.

“Tell me,” Envy was saying conversationally, his voice (Edward’s voice) vastly amused. “Have you ever been fucked before?”

“What?!” Ed yelled, comprehension finally dawning on him. Oh, God…

“Of course not.” Envy answered his own question, and lifted his head to stare Ed in the eyes again. “That’s good. Then I get to have you all to myself.”

There was a hand tearing at his undercoat, a hand tearing at the black tank top he always wore underneath. Edward struggled frantically, but his only arm was held in a steel grasp and his legs were too effectively trapped. As the hand snaked through the clothes to reach skin, Ed yelped and screamed in rage, moving desperately as he finally realized the look in Envy’s eyes, the hunger that he hadn’t been able to place before.

“Although technically,” Envy was saying, not at all daunted by Ed’s struggles, “I guess you’d be the one fucked by yourself, wouldn’t you?” he laughed, as if thinking that was the funniest thing in the world. “Would that still make you a virgin? If you’re fucking yourself, could this be considered masturbation?”

“It would not be fucking masturbation!” Edward screamed out, buckling away as Envy’s hands found their way down his pants.

Envy laughed patronizingly, and bent down to kiss Ed hard, slipping his tongue into the other boy’s enraged mouth. Ed took that moment bite down as hard as he could on the invading tongue, and felt the copper tinged warm wash of blood as it spilled into his own mouth, threatening to choke him as he ran down his throat.

Envy hissed and pulled back, already healed but still enraged as he chose to attack Ed’s neck with his teeth, making the other cry out harshly. The hand that had slipped into Ed’s pants found its prize, and Ed jerked back as he felt the cold skin touching him down there.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” Envy ‘tsk’ed against Ed’s skin as the boy struggled away from that intrusive touch. “I would have made this feel very good for you if you hadn’t done that.”

Ed tried to struggle away valiantly, feeling himself start to grow involuntarily hard in the hands of Envy, and nearly screamed at the betrayal of his body. “Fuck you,” he managed to hiss, spitting out the remains of Envy’s blood into that too familiar face.

Envy hissed with anger as the hand left to wipe away the blood, smearing it across his face in a horrible caricature of insanity. “I intend to do that,” he answered, his voice amiable in consideration of the murderous expression.

Ed didn’t have any warning before he was bodily lifted and his face shoved against the cement ground, his entire body slamming too hard into the cold floor as Envy struggled to get those blank pants off him. His arm was jerked into a painful position behind his back and he cried out as Envy forcibly twisted it hard, grinding his teeth as he felt his bones jar into an unnatural position. Any more pressure on it and his arm would break, he was certain.

“That should teach you that you shouldn’t be moving around too much,” Envy said mockingly as he yanked the thick material around Ed’s hips down past his knees. Ed didn’t spare the breath to respond with an insult, instead jerking his legs up at his knees to kick the Sin awkwardly in the back. It didn’t do much good, but it was better than what he could manage when he had been on his back.

“Why don’t you scream for me, hagane no ochibi-san?” Envy whispered directly into Ed’s ear, breathing in a way that made the hairs at the nape of his neck stand up warningly. Fingers trailing down his back made Ed grind his teeth in defiance, thinking furiously on how he would be able to escape. There was nothing to draw with-

He jerked violently as those fingers dipped the crack between his buttocks, and pushed at his entrance. He gasped, a bit of blood escaping from his mouth. His and Envy’s blood, that is, what was left that he hadn’t swallowed…

It felt wrong, oh God it felt wrong and intrusive and unwanted, those fingers. Ed felt his muscles tighten involuntarily in pain as those fingers invaded, and he gasped, wiggling away painfully while trying not to disturb Envy into breaking his arm. The Sin was sitting heavily on his knees as he did this, so that he wouldn’t be able to kick at the Sin either.

“You shouldn’t struggle so, since that’ll make it hurt even more.” Envy chastised in Ed’s voice, sounding oddly brotherly and made Ed cringe back even more by the tone. It was the same tone that Ed took with Alphonse when the younger boy was doing something wrong, and Ed never wanted to associate this with Al-

As those fingers retreated, Envy’s iron grip on Ed’s arm loosened for the barest moment, and the alchemist whipped into action immediately, arching his back and twisting his arm around to smear his fingers in the small puddle of blood and saliva on the ground, drawing a circle with an odd shaped triangle inside it just a few inches away with the blood.

His efforts to activate the simple alchemy array were stopped by Envy again as the Sin grabbed onto that arm painfully with metal fingers before it could touch the array, making Ed yell out in pain.

“Now you’re just making me fucking angry.” Came the furious tone, not patronizing anymore. Those metal fingers tightened even further, and Ed bit down on his lip in an effort not to scream as it broke through tender skin, leaving trails of blood to run down his arm and drip onto the array, messing up the circle. “Why can’t you ever just let things go as they’re supposed to?”

Envy growled deeply and shifted his weight on Edward’s back, and Ed arched away in a silent scream as he felt something much bigger try and invade his body.

“You’re the one who rushed me with all that wiggling of yours. I want to hear you scream.” Envy whispered with false tenderness as the Sin hissed and moaned against the skin of Ed’s neck, pushing against the stubborn entrance.

He could feel waves of pain as something in him tore, and Envy sunk in deeply as Ed jerked and bit down on his lip, tearing the skin and spilling blood in his effort not to satisfy the Sin’s wishes. But still, he couldn’t stop the whimpers from spilling out, and Ed could feel the lips on the back of his neck curve into a smile at those sounds.

It hurt, oh Gods… Ed wasn’t religious by any means, but he squeezed his eyes shut and pressed his forehead against the cold and dirty floor, breathing hard through his nose as he tried to convince his muscles to relax because it hurt so much more when he was tense like this. He wanted to pray for the pain to stop, but it continued to flood his system in never-ending waves.

“Fuck.” He was certain that he was the one who said it for a moment, since it was his hoarse voice that had spilled the word out before he realized that it was actually Envy. “Fuck.”

Ed agreed with that sentiment, unable to struggle and move away as he was still in shock from the pain, but he tried to muffle his screams in his mouth and the unyielding ground as Envy started to move, his pace rapid and jerking, not at all fluid or patient. Each strike made Ed jerk in pain, and squeeze his eyes tightly to shut out the world.

A guttural groan came out when a hand sneaked around his body to grip him tightly, stroking in time to the thrusts in him, jerky and unsteady; the grip too tight and chafing. Ed shouldn’t have been hard from this, really, he shouldn’t- the pain should have blocked everything out, and it would have if Envy hadn’t forced that touch on him, if the Sin hadn’t been manhandling him like that…

Envy bit down into Ed’s shoulder and groaned deeply as he gave one last brutal thrust and released his semen into Ed’s body, his hand still moving in that jerking movements, his grip so tight that it should have been painful. It took a few moments before Ed’s release, spilling his guilty seed across the floor as he gasped for breath, his body feeling too hot and sweat dripping into his hair.

It was then that Envy collapsed on top of him, bringing Edward to stumble onto the ground as well, in the mixture of blood, semen, saliva, sweat, and tears.

There was wetness as the Sin licked at the joint between automail port and real skin, tickling the sensitive nerves and scars there, but Ed felt too numb to react. Was it numbness or pain that he felt…? He wasn’t sure. It hurt- it hurt all over, but it especially hurt down there, where Envy had just moved to slide out with a strange, slick sound. He was sure that there was a lot of blood.

“I hate you,” was the harsh whisper against his skin, “I hate you so fucking much…”

That was the last thing Ed registered before he passed out from the blood loss and pain.


When Ed once again opened gold eyes to the world, he was alone in the small storage room, fully dressed and with his automail arm again. The floor was clean and there was no lock on the door.

But his hair tie was gone and he ached like a bitch, and any movement only sent a shock of pain to his system. There were bandages around his arm, and he could taste metallic blood in his mouth.

He could only continue to stare at the steel door as his mind surrendered to numbness.


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