Fic: Not Part of the Plan (1/1)

Nov 21, 2004 02:49

Title:  Not Part of the Plan

Author:  Ibonekoen

Fandom:  RPS

Pairing:  Josh Hartnett/Elijah Wood

Rating:  NC-17

Author's note:  Written for the contrelamontre 'heat' challenge, using the full two hours.

Not Part of the Plan

Kissing Elijah hadn’t been part of Josh’s plan. Introducing him to cigarettes and alcohol, hell yes. It was all about breaking the kid out of his shell, to get him to loosen up and live a little. Clea’s party had been the perfect opportunity.

It was the weekend. Robert had promised the kids the weekend was theirs to do whatever they wanted. Clea had decided to throw a party for all the cast members. Most of the adults hadn’t shown up, which left the kids alone, not that they were going to complain.

Josh had helped Clea procure alcohol for the occasion. She’d been impressed, considering that they were both under 21, and he’d admitted he was a lot more like Zeke than he cared to admit.

Elijah had been a bit hesitant at first, but Josh had finally coaxed him into trying a beer. Elijah hadn’t cared for the taste and Josh had managed to convince him to experiment until he found something he liked. Josh had then set about mixing together drinks, letting Elijah taste each one. He’d finally taken a liking to a mixture of Blue Curaco, lemonade and a splash of rum. By the time the tall glass was half empty, Elijah was already comment that he felt warm.

“Not a bad warm though.” he remarked, grinning goofily. “I like it.”

Josh grinned and downed a shot of tequila, then sucked at a lime. “You’re getting drunk.”

Elijah watched Josh curiously. “Why do you eat the lime after drinking the tequila?”

Josh grinned. “The tequila’s got a very tart taste, so you chase it with the lime to give it more flavor.”

“Ohhhh.” Elijah said.

“And if you don’t like lime, you could always do a body shot.” Josh said as he shrugged.

Elijah frowned. “What’s that?”

“Here, lemme demonstrate.” Josh grabbed a salt shaker and then poured some salt onto the back of his hand. He then poured himself another shot of tequila and downed it, then licked the salt off his hand. “And there you go, that’s a body shot.”

“Oh okay.” Elijah said, nodding.

“Want to try?” Josh asked as he offered Elijah the shaker.

“Okay.” Elijah said. He took the shaker and stared at it thoughtfully for a moment. Josh poured him a shot of tequila then pushed the glass toward him. “I can put the salt anywhere, right?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” Josh said with a shrug. “I wouldn’t recommend putting it anywhere near your eyes, an open wound or your privates. Everything else is fair game.”

“Right.” Elijah said with a nod. He reached for Josh’s hand, then upended the shaker. Josh swallowed as he watched the tiny white crystals fall onto his skin. He licked his lips in anticipation as Elijah raised his glass, then tossed back the tequila like a pro. He grimaced briefly then bent over Josh’s hand. Josh’s lips parted, his breath quickening, as he felt the broad side of Elijah’s tongue swipe across his skin.

“Wow.” Elijah said. “That was. . .”

“Yeah.” Josh agreed breathlessly. “Want another?”

“Sure.” Elijah said, grinning.

Three body shots later, every single one of them involving Elijah’s tongue and Josh’s hand, Josh began to wonder if maybe the kid wasn’t as innocent as he appeared. There was no way in hell he couldn’t know what he was doing to Josh.

“I think I like body shots the best.” Elijah announced as he licked his lips. He leaned back a bit and wobbled unsteadily on the stool he’d sat down on. Josh reached out, caught Elijah before he fell and righted him back on the stool.

“I think you’ve reached your limit, Mr. Wood.” he said, grinning. “I’m cuttin’ you off.”

“Nooooooooo!” Elijah exclaimed, giggling. “I wanna an’ther. Imma gonna put the salt right. . .here.” He leaned toward Josh, his tongue flicking out to lick the mole on Josh’s neck.

Josh froze, his hands gripping Elijah’s upper arms. “Elijah. . .don’t.”

“Why? Doncha like it?” Elijah said as he licked a line up Josh’s neck. “C’mon. . .one more.”

Josh shivered, moaning. “Oh. . .god. . .”

Elijah giggled. “I like to think I am.” He glanced to the side and immediately gasped. “Holy fuck!”

The exclamation caught Josh’s attention and he glanced to see what had caused Elijah’s outburst. His eyebrows lifted as he saw Jordana and Laura making out on the couch. Elijah’s tongue on his neck was been more than enough to excite Josh, but the sight of the two girls’ tongue action sent his horniness skyrocketing into the stratosphere.

“That’s fucking hot.” Elijah breathed, staring wide-eyed at the girls as he squirmed on his stool.

Josh merely grunted, then glanced back at Elijah. Ignoring the voice in his head that informed him what he was about to do was very, very wrong, he pulled Elijah to him and kissed his mouth roughly.

Josh wasn’t sure how he’d been expecting Elijah to respond; he wasn’t even sure he’d given much thought to what Elijah’s response would be in a situation like this. He was pretty sure he hadn’t expected Elijah to moan, hadn’t thought the kid would melt against him, but he definitely liked it. He moved one hand up to rest on the back of Elijah’s head as he used his tongue to coax the younger boy’s mouth open. He felt Elijah shiver as their tongues met.

Josh shivered as he felt Elijah’s hands slide under his shirt and brush hesitantly against his abs. He moaned encouragingly and rubbed his tongue sinuously against Elijah’s. He felt Elijah’s hands creep up his chest and gasped as Elijah’s thumbs brushed against his nipples.

He slid his hands down Elijah’s back, his fingers curling around the edges of Elijah’s shirt. He started to tug Elijah’s shirt upward as he broke their kiss, his lungs screaming for oxygen. He trailed his lips down Elijah’s neck, breathing heavily. As his lips brushed against a spot on Elijah’s neck, he felt an intense shiver wrack the boy’s body and heard him moan.

He grinned, then brushed his lips back over that spot. Elijah’s breathing became ragged and he moaned Josh’s name. Josh’s grin widened and he sucked at Elijah’s neck, abandoning the idea of removing the boy’s shirt in favor of exploring this newfound development. He let one of his hands slide around to the front of Elijah’s pants. He unbuttoned them as he continued to suck at Elijah’s neck.

“Oh god.” Elijah moaned, his head tilting back as his eyes fluttered closed. For a moment, he panicked, remembering that there were other people in the room, but that was quickly forgotten as Josh succeeded in getting his pants unzipped and reached inside his underwear. Elijah shuddered, his mouth dropping open, as he felt Josh’s hand wrap around his hardening penis.

Josh rapidly flicked his tongue over the sensitive spot on Elijah’s neck as he moved his hand over the boy’s cock in steady, fast strokes. Elijah moaned, his hands moving up to rest on Josh’s shoulders as his hips rose off the stool to meet Josh’s hand.

Josh nibbled at Elijah’s neck then brought his mouth up to Elijah’s ear. “You look fucking hot, Lij.” he whispered before dragging his teeth across Elijah’s earlobe.

“Oh fuck.” Elijah groaned, his hands squeezing Josh’s shoulders. He moaned breathlessly as Josh resumed sucking the spot on his neck. He dugs his nails into Josh’s shoulders -- doing very little damage considering Josh was wearing a short-sleeved shirt that covered his shoulders and Elijah had bitten off all his nails -- as his hips bucked wildly. He shuddered as Josh nibbled at his neck. “Josh!”

Josh moaned encouragingly as he moved his hand down to fondle Elijah, his free hand picking up the stroking of Elijah’s cock. Elijah shuddered pleasurably, his mouth agape and a string of incoherent sounds tumbling out.

He squeezed his eyes shut, moaning loudly as Josh bit his neck. “Fuck, Josh!” he cried, his body spasming as he began to climax.

Josh continued to stroke Elijah’s cock, gradually slowing his movements until his hands were still. He kissed up Elijah’s neck, then across his chin before softly kissing his mouth.

“Now that, ladies, was fucking hot.” Clea said, startling both of the boys.

“Ohhhh yeah.” Jordana commented.

“Think we can get an encore, ladies?” Laura said, chewing at her lower lip coyly.

Elijah blushed brightly, then adjusted himself and hurriedly zipped up his pants. “Lemme think about this for a second. . .ummm. . .no.”

“Not even if we said ‘please’?” Laura said, smirking.

“Ladies, I’m sure we can arrange. . .” Josh trailed off as he caught the incredulous look Elijah shot him. “. . .or maybe not.”

“Definitely not.” Elijah said.

“Damn and we would’ve given you a hell of a show in return.” Laura said as Jordana and Clea began to kiss, their mouths open so the boys could see their tongues intermingling.

Elijah and Josh traded glances as Laura bent over Jordana’s lap, her hand sliding under her skirt.

“Please.” Elijah said as he hopped off the stool and roughly shoved Josh back against the wall in one smooth motion. “Watch this, bitches.”

Kissing Elijah might not have been part of his plan, but Josh definitely wasn’t complaining.

The End

jhartnett, lij

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