The Storm

Jul 07, 2004 02:38

Title: The Storm ( Read more... )


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ddraigcoch July 14 2004, 17:23:26 UTC
Beautiful, honey. Soppy without being sappy. Well done!


shebit July 14 2004, 17:24:48 UTC
Thank you. My elves and Dunedain have angst. This is a known fact by any who have read my stuff.


ddraigcoch July 14 2004, 17:29:54 UTC
Elves aren't elves without an excuse to hit things. And dunedain aren't dunedain if they don't get to have a good brood every so often. A bit like a few floppy coated broody vampires actually...


shebit July 14 2004, 17:32:46 UTC
True, although Aragorn has nothing on Louis in the brooding stakes.


ddraigcoch July 14 2004, 17:36:57 UTC
Louis is the king of brooders, it has to be said. Even with that pretender Angel swanning about the place... *clears throat and drags self away from the oncoming rant*
To be honest Aragorn always reminded me of Khayman in the brooding stakes. 'Something bad happened thousands of years ago that I blame myself for yet there was nothing/little I could do to stop it' style.


shebit July 14 2004, 17:42:51 UTC
At least Khayman can use the excuse for brooding that he was actually present at the event and yet did nothing/was utterly unable to prevent it. Aragorn broods over things his ancestors did 3000 years before he was born.

And yes, Angel often thinks he's Louis. Tortured soul my arse. He still enjoys getting down with the violence. Enjoyed. Damn, it really is over. Ok, so Angel became a whining sod on occassion, but I shall love Wesley until the end of all things ('tenn ambar-metta). He did a pretty good line in brooding, too.


ddraigcoch July 14 2004, 17:51:21 UTC
He spent seven years whining. Although whining in the form of a puppet was funny.
"How are you?"
"Well I'm made of felt and my nose comes off."
Wesley's balls did drop with a bit of a bump, didn't they? Lorne and doyle will always keep shrines in my heart (Yes, I have issues with minor characters - I'm dealing with it or so my quack tells me).
I never understood one part of that deal with Aragorn. He blames himself for all that, yet he grew up with an elf who was there and proceeded on a quest with another elf and a wizard who were there, all of whom told him, 'It's Not Your Fault.'
He trusts the fate of middle earth to these people but not the fate of his manly pouting??


shebit July 14 2004, 17:58:59 UTC
"My dose comes off!"

The prize for most impressive change certainly goes to Wesley. Ok, so Willow went 'evil', but she was still the same Willow. Wesley, however, went from Princess Margaret, the wussiest, most pathetic specimen ever to graduate from the Watcher's Academy, to Marlboro Wesley: the tough, sexy, balls of steel, gun-toting man of action; the man who gave demons bad dreams. Impressive, no?

Yes, Elrond was there at the centre of the action and knew exactly what went on with Isildur, but Gandalf only showed up a thousand years later and by most reconings - I've seen the evidence, which is fairly convincing - legolas is a bit of a younster, weighing in at just shy of a thousand years old - probably around 900, give or take a century.

Brooding is popular amongst many of the Men of Numenor, though - look at Denethor and his boys. That one family could be Gondor's Olympic brooding team. Wonder if that'll be a new event in Athens this year.


ddraigcoch July 14 2004, 18:09:15 UTC
See there are people who say Thraunduil's sons were present at the battle of dagorland, and since elves don't reach maturity until their fith century that makes him 3500 at the youngest, ne? Not that it makes much difference. Thraunduil was there and you can bet he told Leggy all about it. Ok, shutting up on that, I'm starting to sound like a Legolas fangirl.
Does burning you son alive count as brooding or just part of the random acts of pyromancy that goes with it??
If brooding did become a sport, you realise it's only a matter of time until the 'scotch drinking' contests start.


shebit July 15 2004, 01:10:10 UTC
Ah, Wesley would be pretty good at the scotch drinking - it's one of his specialities. I get the impression that if Denethor could only get his hands on the stuff he'd give Wes some competition, though.

Cosidering I almost qualify as a Legolas fangirl - well, used to - most of my big debates tend to focus on Boromir. Like my fiction, even my debates centre on the angst.


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