Get Out the Map (WNBA RPS)

May 02, 2004 13:10

Title: Get Out the Map
Author: CG
Rating: PG?
A/N: It's good when you have an excuse to start something you've been dying to work on, isn't it? 25 minutes. Not as long as I'd like, but it hit a nice natural stopping point.
Disclaimer: Even if it had happened yet, it never happened. Though the brunette and the baldie are actually married, and they and the blonde exist, that's it for the reality portion of this program. This is a work of fiction, done just for the hell of it.
Pairing: Rebecca Lobo/Sue Wicks, ex-New York Liberty, WNBA
Summary: Actually planning a trip always takes a little more effort.

"What's the next leg, hon?" Steve asked, glaring at the computer as MapQuest slowly loaded on the screen. There was no answer. He sighed, letting his head drop into his hands. "Sue, could you kindly let go of her long enough so one of you could answer the question?"

"We weren't doing anything!" Sue protested, though the slight sound of suction before that put the lie to her words.

"SBC to America West," Rebecca said quickly. "Then America West to Staples, then Staples to Arco. Are you writing this down, or are you going to interrupt us every time?"

"I don't get why I got stuck doing this," the beleaguered husband complained.

"Because Sue and I are in charge of the travel arrangements. I'm sorry, is it too much for you? You could find some hotel room to stay in, you know, instead of relying on the UConn sisterhood and Sue's incredible collection of blackmail photos."

"Only two blackmail photos, and that's only because Ruthie never notices when someone goes through her bag."

Steve froze, then slowly swiveled the chair around. "I don't even want to know what you have a picture of Ruthie Bolton doing. I don't want to picture Ruthie Bolton doing, period."

Sue smiled sweetly at him. "It's probably not what you think. I'm not quite into that level of blackmail. I could believe it of some of those folks out in L.A, except of course Teresa because we all know if I piss off Teresa we're sleeping on the sidewalk in the City of Angels." She waved an imperious hand. "Back to work, flunky. Make yourself useful."

"He has his uses," Rebecca smirked, casting a look at Steve that had at least a PG-13 rating attached to it."

"Morenita, that's about the last thing I really needed to hear. I think I'm going to lose my lunch."

Rebecca rolled her eyes. "Save the theatrics for the road. We'll probably need them with some of the thin ties we're trying to draw on. You really think Tammy Sutton-Brown is going to give you and yours shelter just because you're both Rutgers alumnae?"

"What, you think UConn is the only one with ties as close as blood?"

"Well, we all have one thing in common: surviving Geno." Rebecca slid closer to her- well, they hadn't exactly chosen a term, because girlfriend didn't seem appropriate, and lover got them too close to the legal line of adultery, and partner was definitely inaccurate because of Rebecca's wedding band. The only one they could think of that fit was best friend, but that left a couple of layers out of the relationship. Whatever they called each other, Rebecca slid closer to Sue. "We're really going to get this puppy off the ground, aren't we? I can't believe it, we've been planning so long and we're finally going to do it."

"The Great WNBA Road Trip," Sue said, somehow inflecting the words with capital letters. "Every WNBA city ever, even the ones that aren't anymore. Eighteen cities over the summer. Should we add the Hall of Fame?"

"Uh, I don't think I can show my face in Tennessee for at least another eleven years. Depending on what Geno does to Pat, it might be longer."

"Ugh, gone to a bad mental place."

Rebecca glared at the blonde. "You know damn well I didn't mean that. They're both married, and Geno knows that he'd be without one of his more infamous attributes if Kathy ever caught him straying."

"Becca? What's after Staples?" Steve called from the computer.

"ARCO. Then the hotel in Portland. Then KeyArena."

Steve nodded acknowledgement of the directions, then said thoughtfully, "Are you sure we're going in the right direction for this?"

"Oh, hell yeah. We need to go South first and then swing back north. If we try to hit Texas or Phoenix in August, we'll melt." Sue stared off into the distance. " We'll be in Seattle then, right?"

Steve did some quick calculations. "Probably, if we stretch our stay in Florida."

"Oh, thanks for reminding me. I'll need to call Diana then, so we can get the spare key," Rebecca said, her voice trailing off.

"Uh, okay. I'm not going to ask why Diana would have Sue's spare key."

"Wise man."

"You've trained him well," Sue agreed. "This trip is going to be the best thing ever. It's been too long since I've been on the road. And I couldn't ask for better company- yeah, baldie, even you."

"I still wish you wouldn't call me that," Steve grumbled, running a hand defensively over his scalp.

"You would rather 'yo, son of a bitch that married my girlfriend'? You would prefer 'hey, random guy who I don't give a flying about'?"

"I would prefer Steve."

"You might be the only one in here who could make that claim."

"Oh, don't drag me into this, blondie. I'm this close to divorcing him, abandoning you, and running away with Maddie. At least he's soft."

"So how long do you think we're going to go without snapping, just the three of us in one car and with each other's company for months on end?" Steve asked.

"We'll be fine. You worry too much."


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