Worth the price

Apr 11, 2004 18:15

Title: Captive Resolved
Fandom: LOTR RPS
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: SB/OB
Disclaimer: Like I really know anything, about anybody... Lies, all lies!! No harm meant!!
Summary: A resolution evolves

First two parts located here:

Part 1

Part 2


“I love you.” Orlando said in a rush.

“Something else you might want to have took into consideration.” Sean said as he moved toward the door, sighing he continued, “I am going to go find Vig. Then I’m going home. If you want to work this out, come home. If not, well, I’ll deal with that. Either way, you need to do what will make you happy. Life is too short.”

With that Sean walked out of the room, leaving Orlando sitting on the floor staring after him.


The room was dark when Orlando opened the door and peering inside said tentatively, “Sean, you here?”

“Where would I be, save here, waiting for you, for your decision?”

“Um, yea, I guess we need to talk.” Orlando said stuttering and closed the door behind him. He stood in the entryway and looked in the direction of Sean’s voice.

“No, we don’t.” Sean said with quiet resolve in his tone.

“What do you mean?” Orlando moved further into the room. He reached an end table and turned on the small lamp that sat on it. The amber light cast a soft glow across the room.

He saw that Sean was sitting in a chair at the dinner table. He sat with his arms folded on the table in front of him, a glass of clear liquid near his hand.

As Orlando watched, Sean picked up the glass, took a sip and calmly said, “we have talked.”

“Okay, uh.” Orlando looked at his feet, shuffled them a minute, looked up at Sean and moved toward the couch to sit down. He sat with his hands in his lap, feeling like an errant child waiting for a reprimand.

Sean hitched a deep sigh and said patiently, “Orli, this has been a fuck of a long day. Why are you here?”

“I kinda live here, don’t I?” Orlando said with a teasing smile.

“You bloody bastard!” screamed Sean as he stood suddenly causing the chair to crash to the floor. He picked up his glass and flung it at the wall. “You have no right to sit there and treat this as if it is one of your bloody little jokes that can be laughed over and treated like a silly little antidote tomorrow. Viggo is so fucking upset that I don’t know if he will ever forgive himself, much less us.” He stalked to the couch and towered over Orlando, who had pressed himself into the cushions, warily watching the man standing in front of him clench and unclench his fists.

Orlando licked his lips slowly and said almost in a whisper, “Sean, I wasn’t trying to make light of this. I want to work this out, please. I - I love you, please.”

Sean reached down and grasping the younger man by the arm pulled him off of the couch and onto his feet. Orlando could feel Sean’s fingers digging into the flesh of his arm. He bit his lip and concentrated on not whimpering in pain, or fear.

“You love me?” Sean asked into Orlando’s face. He could smell the alcohol in the heat of Sean’s breath, he wondered how much Sean had drank and felt a shiver crawl up his spine. “Do you know how to love? Do you know the desperate way that love can eat you up inside, leaving nothing but the fear of losing that one thing that you need? Do you really know anything about love?”

“Please Sean, please. Yes, I do love you; I want to work through this and I want to tell you that I am so fucking sorry. Please, please forgive me. This is where I belong; this is where I want to be, with you - here home, with you. I love you, really I do.” Orlando realized that he was stammering, his words rolling over themselves as he tried to make Sean understand.

Slowly Sean reached his arms around Orlando and placed his hands flat on the young man’s back, level with his shoulder blades; Orlando could feel the heat of his fingers burn against his skin. Orlando made a sound low in his throat, almost a whimper, as Sean rubbed his palms in a slow lazy circle against his back and Orlando moved slightly into the touch.

Sean pulled Orlando’s toward him slightly and leaning over, rested their foreheads together. He could feel Sean’s warm moist breath brush across his lips and he breathed in the taste of him.

Closing his eyes, he concentrated on the feel of Sean’s palms against his back and the rhythm of their heartbeats. He was almost startled when Sean arched back against him and moaned low in his throat, a sound as much of pain as pleasure.

Orlando opened his eyes and looked up at the man that was holding him in his strong arms. He thought about everything that had happened earlier in the day, everything that he had put this beautiful man through and he wasn’t surprised when Sean calmly placed both hands around his neck.

He pulled back a tiny bit and looked up at Sean. Orlando wondered if this was what he had been expecting, even waiting for all along, this act of retribution and dominance. He wondered if this was what it would take for Sean to realize that Orlando was sorry for the pain that he had caused, for Orlando to feel that he had paid the penance due and he felt Sean’s fingers tighten slowly until he could feel his pulse like a trapped angel fluttering in his throat.

"I love you, baby," Sean whispered and then leaned forward, breathing the words quietly into Orlando’s ear, "and I won’t share you. Now, tell me, is this where you want to be, here with me?”

Orlando stared into those fathomless green eyes and nodded slowly, trying to breath against the pressure building around his throat.

“Do you understand that I won’t allow you to fuck around, to hurt me or anyone else?”

He nodded again.

“There will be no forgiveness next time, no opportunity for explanation.”

This was no question, but Orlando nodded in agreement anyway, eager to have Sean understand that he was repentant.

“You will apologize to Viggo.”

Once again, no question, but Orlando nodded quickly. He felt the fingers slowly, almost regretfully; release the pressure from around his neck. They stood facing each other and Orlando reached his hand and ran it across Sean’s jaw. He knew that he should be afraid of Sean, afraid of the intensity and determination in his eyes. He should be quaking under the gaze and from the remembrance of the fingers wrapped possessively around his throat, but he realized that it wasn’t fear he was feeling. What he was feeling was crushing, desperate need. He was achingly hard and he could feel Sean’s erection against his hip, as hard and needy as his own. He wanted Sean inside of him now and he knew Sean wanted him just as badly.

Orlando wasn’t sure exactly what that said about him, or Sean, and he was pretty sure that he didn’t want to try and figure it out, not now, maybe not ever.

He slid out of Sean’s grasp to his knees and began to unzip the older mans jeans, looking up into his face the entire time. Sean placed his hand on Orlando’s head and petting him said, “I love you. You belong to me.”

Orlando felt his cock twitch at the words and he smiled as he took Sean into his mouth.


Tell me who admires you and loves you, and I will tell you who you are.
Charles Augustin Sainte-Beauve

Immature love says: 'I love you because I need you.'
Mature love says 'I need you because I love you.'
Erich Fromm

Other men said they have seen angels,
But I have seen thee
And thou art enough.
G. Moore

I'd like to run away
From you,
But if you didn't come
And find me ...
I would die.
Shirley Bassey

orli, bean

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