(no subject)

Apr 03, 2004 20:56

Title: Fighting Wars
Fandom: LOTR RPS
Rating: PG - Language
Pairing: SB/OB
Disclaimer: Like I really know anything, about anybody...
Ask my Katie, she knows, I lie!!!

My first Post, be gentle, please...

The war erupted one Saturday morning. Doors were slammed and feet were stomped, tempers flared, phones rang, flights were booked, names were called, and those that had lived through previous combat could only await their orders.
As the battles lines were drawn and allies were tallied a telephone rang in London.
“Hello,” answered a weary voice.
“Be prepared. The boys are at it again. I have one of them entrenched on my couch even as we speak.” Viggo’s dry chuckle followed this proclamation.
Sean smiled at his friend’s voice and said, “Vig, it’s good to hear from you, even if it is to warn me that war is at hand. What, pray tell, is the reason for this one?”
“They need a reason? All I know is that Lij rang me yesterday morning and then showed up this afternoon; smoking, fidgeting and mumbling about ‘the bastard, never going back, unappreciated’, you know, the usual.”
“So, you got Lij, I guess that means Orli and I can be expecting a Dom on the doorstep any day now.”
Viggo could hear the smile in Sean’s voice, but because he knew what to listen for, he could also hear the tension.
“So, how is he?”
Viggo heard Sean closing a door and his voice was quieter when he answered, “oh, good days, bad days. Today has been pretty good, yesterday was pretty bad. They’ve changed his sleeping medication, so he gets some rest now and that helps.”
“Sean, you two don’t need this right now, let me call Dom. I won’t tell him anything, but I’ll just say that this time he and Lij need to work out their own silly domestic quarrels without dragging everyone else into them. He can go to Billy’s, or Ian’s, but just to leave you and Orli alone. Hell, I’ll tell him that ya’ll are on a second honeymoon and need some time alone.”
“We’ve always gotten involved before, Vig. I think that’s half of why those two get in these battles every year or so. Instead of a reunion, Dom and Elijah stage a fight, get us all talking to one another again, and in the end everyone gets together to celebrate a peaceful conclusion and drink to each other’s health.”
Viggo heard his friend’s voice break slightly on the last word, he listened to the silence for a second before saying, “Sean, have the doctor’s said anything else?’
“Ay, they say a lot, none of it makes much sense. They want to start another round of chemo. He wants to be left the hell alone, and I just want to hold him and try not to thrash one of the doctors when they shake their heads and order more bleeding tests.”
“He still doesn’t want to tell anyone.” It wasn’t a question; Viggo knew that outside of Orlando’s close family, he was the only other person that knew of the malignancy that was growing inside of Orlando, like a dark vampiric child eating away at him.
Orlando didn’t know that late one night, in a drunken rage Sean had called Viggo and crying in anger and fear, had confessed his terror at the possibility of losing Orli. Sean had told Viggo about the disease and also that Orlando didn’t want to worry any of their friends. He said that Orli was afraid of the media frenzy that his illness could provoke if the news became public. With the support of their friends, Sean and Orlando had clung to each other as they rode out the storm that their relationship had caused in the beginning, but over the past few years they had finally become accepted and the paparazzi targeted them now as merely a celebrity couple, not just as a gay celebrity couple.
“Sean, do you need me there? I can call Astin and tell him he’s responsible for Lija sitting this time around. I’ll come over there, you don’t have to tell Orli anything, I’ll just show up and - and,” his voice trailed off.
“And what, Vig? What? I know you want to help, but just having you there so that I can call and have someone that understands what is going on, well, that’s more help than you can ever know.”
Sean was quiet for a second before he continued; “besides Orli doesn’t want a fuss, but if Dom lands here it might at least be a distraction for him. We’ve got a week before the doctors say we have to make a decision and if Dommie can make him laugh, give him a few smiles, the aggravation of giving sanctuary to one of the battling hobbits will well be worth it. You know, he still looks good, he still looks like my Orli, a little thin, but he has good color and since he shaved his hair, well, you can’t tell that the chemo did anything to it. Dom won’t notice anything, maybe. I’m probably the only one that can see the pain in his face sometimes, his eyes - “
Viggo heard a sob escape the man on the other end of the line and his heart clenched in helplessness.
“Sean, are you getting any sleep? Are you eating and taking care of yourself?” Viggo asked. “You can’t help him fight this battle if you’re worn out and sick yourself.”
“How can I sleep, Vig? Every second that I sleep is one more second that I’m not looking at him, holding him, just breathing him in like he’s the fucking oxygen in my lungs. I can’t waste the time that I have with him on sleeping. I’ll sleep when he’s - when he’s better. I’ll take him to a tropical island and we’ll both lie in the sun and drink fruity drinks and sleep in feather beds under palm fans. I’ll watch him surf, and run in the sand and laugh. I’d trade anything just to hear a genuine laugh from him again, just once. I lay there holding him and watching him while he sleeps and I remember every minute we’ve had together. It runs like a movie through me head. By God, I won’t let him go, I can’t let him go, not without a fucking fight.”
They both heard a click on the line that shattered the silence that had fallen between them. Sean grunted and Viggo assumed that he was checking the caller id. When he spoke, his words confirmed it, “that’s Dom’s cell, hold on.”
Viggo heard a click and then a few minutes later Sean was back on the line.
“Tag, you and I are officially on opposite sides of the skirmish.” Viggo heard a deep chuckle rumble from his friend’s throat and smiled. He hoped that Elijah and Dom’s quarrel would provide a distraction for Sean as well.
“Dominic is in town and needing a place to stay while he waits for the ‘little bastard that he is unfortunate enough to love desperately to do the right thing and beg him to come home, blah, blah’.”
Viggo laughed and said, “I know the drill. Let me go give my shoulder to Lij. You pat on Dom and we’ll move their asses toward the inevitable reconciliation. Sean, you can call me if you need anything, anytime.”
He heard Sean draw a deep breath before he spoke, “I know and we love you Vig.”
“I love you guys too. You two will beat this thing; we’ll beat this thing. You and Orli aren’t alone, we all stand together, you know that, don’t you?”
“We know Vig, we know.”
They both said goodbye and Viggo hung up the phone.
He stood and leaned his forehead against the wall and sent a silent prayer of strength to his friends that were engaged each in their own private wars.

orli, bean

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