(no subject)

Feb 16, 2004 20:26

Title: Dirty Water
Fandom: Master and Commander
Pairing: Aubrey/Maturin
Rating: R
Author: mellyflori
Disclaimer: Characters not mine, not makin' any money, just writing little stories for fun.
Feedback: Would be lovely.

For the contrelamontre traveling challenge. My first posting here. Took the full hour, need some ice cream now. And as jacito so nicely put it: not intended to be part of the holding_fast-verse.

It’s called “dirty water.” The sixty or so feet past the stern is to be avoided when measuring their speed, when checking for depth, but the wake of the ship spreads out behind them like wings and Jack thinks he’s never seen anything more beautiful. The way the ship is moving is the result of well-trained crew and it makes her Captain very proud. His only regret is that with the speed they’re maintaining there will be no chance for swimming this morning.

Jack misses the water against his skin. He misses the hedonistic pleasure of being naked under the sun. The men think nothing of their dripping naked Captain coming aboard after his morning swim. It is another part of their mornings now and the sight of Jack’s bare feet and goose fleshed legs pass unnoticed.

After all these months at sea, however, they still turn their heads when Stephen follows him. The Doctor’s position demands more deference and though he has seen most of them in various states of dishabille they never look his way until Padeen has draped the Doctor’s long robe around him. Stephen’s modest nature appreciates their downcast eyes.

Jack appreciates it for his own reasons. He likes to think that Stephen’s skin belongs to his eyes only. Jack likes to think that their time in the water, their time on deck before dressing, is for them alone. The men don’t see the muscle of Stephen’s thighs. They don’t see the flesh at his nipples tighten in the cool air. Stephen’s decadent sunbathing in the tops is well known but only Jack sees how it makes him bronze all over in the morning sun. Only Jack watches Stephen, which means that only Jack sees how Stephen watches him.

If Stephen is still smiling at how Jack swam past him under water, sliding against the back of his thighs, only Jack sees. When Stephen’s arousal at Jack’s surreptitious stroking finally fades, Jack’s eyes are the only ones on him.

That the men have their own place to swim, inside the pool of a sunken sail, means they pay little attention to their Captain bathing nearby. They might notice Stephen stretched out on Jack’s arms as Jack shows him again how to stay afloat. They do not notice how Jack’s hands run along Stephen’s thighs as he does it. They do not notice how he cups Stephen’s cock and whispers promises of sweet touches to follow. “Tonight, dear, after my officers leave, after music, tonight I will take this in me and let the ship rock us together. Tonight.”

That the men are so concerned with their own swimming, their own tasks, their own deference, is a joy to Jack. That he should be able to take advantage of none of them this morning is his sorrow. Jack feels Stephen at his side before he sees him. When he turns he finds Stephen smiling at him with an inquisitive look.

“What in that water holds such sway over your thoughts this morning, brother?”

“Only that I ought to be glad of this wind but I find myself cursing it. I am glad of the movement and miles we shall cover but I do miss our swims.”

The sun hits Stephen’s eyes and Jack wonders if the twinkle he sees there is a trick of the light.

“Is it the swims you miss?”

That he is already warm from the sun is the only thing keeping Jack from blushing. “I do.”

Stephen leans in close, the quarterdeck is left to the officers but even so they are hardly alone. “I only mention it because, were it the soothing qualities to be found underwater and not the water itself you missed, we might be able to find an interim solution.”


“Yes. Only until the wind calms some and you feel comfortable bathing in the mornings again.”

Jack is not imagining the twinkle now. Nor is he imagining the sudden tug in his groin or tightness in his breeches. “Doctor, I find your proposal intriguing.”

“Perhaps Captain, if the ship allows, you might take a moment to discuss it with me in my study?”


Stephen’s smirk is gone in a blink and his progress across the quarterdeck and down the ladder is neither hurried nor conspicuous. Jack takes a long moment to compose himself, button his jacket, and adjust his breeches. He considers making excuses before realizing that as the Captain it is his prerogative to come and go as he pleases. And at this moment, he pleases.

“Mr. Pullings, the deck is yours.”


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