
Feb 12, 2004 21:57

Title: Masks
Author: SheBit
Fandom: LotR RPS - kind of - see note on pairing.
Pairing: This was written as Viggo/Orli, but as no names are mentioned and only limited descriptions it's left open for you to apply it to any fandom and pairing you wish
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: There are no names, but whoever you read the charaters to be are owned by themselves or other people. Orlando Bloom and Viggo Mortensen own themselves, and as far as I know this never happened.
Notes: I'm not thoroughly happy with this, it sounded better in my head, but it was written in just under an hour for the travelling challenge.

He gazed past the slumbering figure beside him to look out on the endless darkness beyond. The boy had demanded the window seat, wanting to watch the world fly by, delighting in the sight of brightly lit cities seen from the air. He had been asleep within five minutes of takeoff, succumbing to exhaustion.

The man didn’t mind. His wolf-like eyes shifted to the sleeper’s serene face. His companion shifted in his sleep, his head moving to rest upon the older man’s shoulder.

He often watched his young lover sleep. It is said that we all wear masks, showing only that which we wish the world to see, and that only during sleep do these masks slip away. So many nights he had watched the boy, captivated, hoping for a glimpse of the hidden truth beneath the mask. When the façade of brash confidence vanished in sleep, what would remain?

In all this time, he had never yet seen the mask slip.

He wore a mask. By day he showed the world the intense artist that it wished to see, that his fans wished to see. Only when he slept was the truth revealed. The mask hid a quiet man, a man who wished nothing more than to create beauty and be at peace. Only his lover had seen the man within.

What secrets did the boy’s mask hide? When the loud thrill-seeker, the madman with the face of an angel was put aside, what remained? When the smiles for his adoring fans were done with, and he was alone and at rest, who was he? The boy shifted again, his warm breath tickling the man’s cheek, a soft murmur escaping his perfect lips.

He gently brushed a stray curl from the boy’s broad forehead and was rewarded with another murmur of pleasure. Smiling, he rearranged himself in the cramped seat, careful not to disturb his companion, and attempted to lose himself in sleep.

The man woke at the sound of the seatbelt light pinging to life. Final approach. The boy still slept. He wondered at his ability to sleep so long and so easily, folded into the small aircraft seat, when his own sleep had been restless. He was loathe to wake him from his serene slumber, but with only a soft touch to the boy’s shoulder the smudges of dark lashes fluttered on his smooth cheeks, lids opening to reveal eyes like warm chocolate, dancing with golden flecks.

“Morning. We’re nearly there - time to buckle up.”

The boy smiled up at him, the radiance of that smile illuminating the dim cabin.

“I’m awake.” The smile had turned into a wide grin, dazzlingly bright.

As the wheels touched upon the runway, the man watched his young lover, gazing mesmerised out of the small window at the tarmac rushing past, and realised that some had no need of masks.

viggo, orli

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