[Mauled] [Sports Night] [Dan/Casey] [PG]

Nov 30, 2003 02:56

Title: Mauled
Author: Diane (endless_fever)
Fandom: Sports Night
Pairing: Dan/Casey (naturally)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: "--I still don't think running into you constitutes a mauling, Danny."
Notes: Fluff, for the hospital challenge, used about forty minutes. Cross posted to inthetallgrass. Thanks to bionic for reading as I wrote.

Casey clears his throat, opens his mouth to say 'sorry' once again, but the look in Dan's eyes says he'll beat him to death if he says it. Once they put the cast on his wrist, that is.

"How's your wrist?" Casey asks instead of apologizing. Dan glares.

"It hurts, Casey."

"I'm so--"

Dan cuts him off with a glare.

Silence. Dan plays with the bag of ice on his left wrist --of course Casey had to come along and break his left wrist. Casey just stands there looking like he just ran over Dan's dog. Which, Dan wouldn't be surprised if he had.

"Shouldn't you be, ya know, doing a live television show right now?" Dan says when glaring gets old.

"I could say the same for you."

"I'm sitting in a hospital because my moronic partner can't watch where he's running."

"Well, I'm here because I'm the moron that hurt his partner. Peter and Paul took over the show for tonight."

Dan sighs. "What were you running for, anyway? It's a news room, Casey, not a park."

Casey looks guilty. Dan suddenly wishes he took the question back. "I wanted to catch Natalie before she went to get dinner. I forgot to tell her to leave off the mayo."

Dan thinks about this for a moment. "Casey," He says. The tone of his voice makes Casey kind of scared. It also kind of turns him on, which may say something about his psychology he's not ready to think about.

"Yeah Danny?"

"You better run once I get out of here."

Casey nods.

"And try not to hospitalize anyone else when you run, okay?"

"Okay, Danny."

The door opens and a doctor comes in. Dan doesn't miss Casey checking out her ass as she walks past him to stand next to Dan.

"How are we today, Mr. Rydell?"

"I just got mauled by a big rectangle headed idiot."

"Danny, you weren't mauled."

The doctor smiles and looks over her shoulder at Casey, who returns the smile. "I'm the big rectangle headed idiot." He says.

She nods. "I can see that."

Dan nearly chokes trying to hold back his laughter. The doctor is still smiling when she turns back to him.

"I'm just going to check some things out, tell me what hurts…"
When the doctor is gone from the room, Dan turns his glare back to Casey. Casey was glad for a few minutes that all Danny's glares were on the doctor, but now they're back on him.

"You checked out her ass."

"I did not!" Casey even tries to sound innocent, which makes his voice kind of squeak.

"You so did."

"Maybe I did. Force of habit."

"First you maul me--"

"--I still don't think running into you constitutes a mauling, Danny." Casey says, but Dan ignores him.

"First you maul me then you flirt with the doctor. What's next, setting my dog on fire?"

"You don't have a dog, Danny."

Dan almost cracks a smile, but then stops himself. "That's not the point!"

"What is the point?"

Dan chocks his head to the side and things for a minute. "The point is..." More thinking. "The point is, Casey..." Yet another pause. "I don't know what the point is. That shot that evil woman you flirted with gave me is really kicking in."

"She wasn't evil."

"She wasn't torturing you for the past hour."

"Danny, she was in here ten minutes."

"Let me break your wrist and play with it and see how time passes for you."

Casey takes a step back from him and Dan lets out a slight giggle.

"Danny, did you just giggle?"

"I think so, Casey."

"Maybe you should lie down."

"That might be a good idea." Dan agrees.

With Casey's help, he manages to get himself into a comfortable position lying on the bed. Casey pulls over a chair and sits next to him.

"Danny?" Casey asks after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah?" Dan's voice sounds kind of loopy.

"Sorry for looking at her ass."

Dan laughs, rolls his head to look at Casey. His eyes are glassy. "'s okay. You can add it to the list of things you'll have to make up for today."

Casey grins. "How am I going to make up for mauling you--"

"--I thought you said it wasn't a mauling--"

"--and flirting with a doctor?"

"Oh, Casey, Casey, Casey...You'll have to be creative. Put that gymnastics training to use or something."

Casey feels a grin spread across his face. He stands and leans over until his lips are pressed flush against Danny's. Kisses him a little longer and harder than he should considering the situation and the place.

When he sits back down in his chair, Danny is full out beaming.

"That's a start, Case."

Casey smiles back.
The End.


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