"Carrot, part two," Firefly, M/S, S/J, M/J

Aug 18, 2003 16:52

Title: Carrot, part two
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jayne and Simon have a talk.
Pairing: Mal/Simon, Mal/Jayne, Simon/Jayne
Fandom: Firefly
Feedback: Yes, please.
Disclaimer: Not mine, and the characters belong to Joss Whedon. Suing me for money would be the equivalent of squeezing blood from a stone.
Notes: For the “couch” challenge for the contrelamontre Community. Done in 45 minutes, not counting editing, translations and formatting. Sequel to Carrot.
Most browsers should let you see translations if you hold your mouse over the Chinese words. If that doesn’t work, and you need more help, well, comment, and I’ll make it all right.

It’s a few days later, Jayne comes down the stairs to the lounge. It’s late, and he’s wandering the ship, because that’s what he does when he don’t feel like sleeping. The sight of Simon sprawled out on the couch, reading his encyclopedia, stops him short.

A brief flash of glee, that maybe Simon ain’t screwing Mal every night, that maybe… just maybe, it was a one time thing. Jayne must have made some noise, ‘cause Simon’s head jerks, and he looks up, startled.

“When did…,” Doc’s voice is hazy, and trails off when he sees Jayne’s smirk.

“Just got here myself.” Jayne’s stride is languid as he makes his way over to the couch. “Scoot over a bit there, now would ya, doc?” Simon frowns, but complies, even as he voices a complaint.

“There are other chairs, you know.”

Jayne settles himself into the cushions, leaning back, arm draped over the back, deliberately invading the other man’s space. “Yeah, but I like it here,” he leers, enjoying Simon’s obvious discomfort.

The younger man, sighs, and turns his full attention to the screen. Jayne sits and admires the view for a couple‘a quiet minutes. Doc is right pretty, sometimes. Hard to blame Mal, even… grimacing, he mercilessly quashes that thought. Ain’t got no reason to think along any of those lines.

‘Sides, now’s a good time to get the doc all riled up. That’s usually good for a few laughs.

Simon starts as Jayne rumbles, “Not warming Mal’s bunk tonight?”

Flushing, the doc still manages to sound a bit uppity. “Not that that’s any of your business, but River had a… spell… tonight.”

“A fit, you mean.” Jayne chuckles, meanly. “She cut on anyone this time?”

The doctor stands up, real fast, and just shoves into Jayne. “Don’t…,” he grinds, “don’t you ever do anything to my sister, ever again.”

“Whoa, Doc,” Jayne’s startled by the forcefulness of Simon’s mood change. He tries to relax back, and not shove in retaliation, but finds himself distracted by the heat of hands on his chest. “Weren’t planning to do nothing.”

Simon snorts. “Like you weren’t ‘planning’ anything before Ariel.” He stands up straight, smoothing his clothing.

This time, Jayne feels the warmth on the back of his neck. He mutters, “Learned my lesson.”

“I should hope so.”

They stay still, just studying each other for a few minutes. Jayne is the first to speak. “Mal know that you care more for moonbrain than him?”

Simon reacts to that, badly. “What?”

He’s on a roll, now, gonna get a few things off his chest. “You tell Mal about how you feel yet? ‘Cause I’m thinking he don’t quite get this whole, ‘Lil’ sis first, the ‘verse take the hind end’ bit down.”

“Mal knows…,” doc swallows, again. “I mean, he knows that River is my first priority.”

“You positive about that, pretty doctor boy?” Jayne lets his eyes trail over Simon’s body. “Now, I’m sure that cap’n’s got his reasons for letting you into his bed, but I know Mal, he’s a possessive hundan. Doubt he’s ever thought about the choice might have to be…,” his voice trails off, ominously. Simon looks panicked.

There’s sweat on his forehead, just a moment longer. “You can’t…,” Simon’s hands fly up, helplessly, as he stutters. “You won’t tell him?” he whispers, as his head drops in defeat.

“Tell ‘im what?”

“Tianna, Jayne, what do you want me to do?” Jayne grins at the desperation in the boy’s eyes. But he’s still startled when Simon straddles his lap. “I’ll do anything. Just… don’t…” and there’s a hot tongue licking his neck, a hard young body grinding against him. Jayne is too stunned to react.

Not for long, though. “Wu de mah!” Jayne exclaims triumphantly, as he pushes Simon roughly to the floor “I get you now, little jinu.”

The younger man looks absolutely broken. Kneeling up, pleading, he asks, “Jayne…,”

Smirking, Jayne stands, and towers over Simon. “Nah, figure that’s between the two of us.” Leaning down, he breathes in the smaller man’s ear. “Why don’t you try telling him that you’re whorin’ yourself to him, just to keep your place solid on this boat, see how that goes over.” By the time Simon can come up with a retort, Jayne has disappeared into the cargo bay, feeling the urge to do something physical.


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