(no subject)

Jul 01, 2003 10:47

Title: Starstruck
Author: quentelin (site)
Rating: PG13
Pairing: Bean-a-ghan! SB/DM!
Disclaimer: This isn't true.

Rare pairing or not, there's potential here.

It's got to be interesting for a young guy like Dominic to get to work near a famous actor like Sean Bean. I mean hell, Sean's scar came from Harrison Ford...

And when Bean begins to pay as much attention to Dominic as Dominic is paying to him... Imagine how Dominic must feel.

Written for the contrelamontre "open beginning" challenge.


Banks of the Anduin.

Cold, cold feeling in the pit of his stomach. Dominic looked down at Bean's hands grasping his upper arm, and up again to meet his hawk's stare.

"Me?" Dominic managed at last. But then Sean's hands slid down his arms and locked around his wrists in a vice grip. The taller man stared down at him.

"Yes, you. Who did you think?"

"Well," Dominic hesitated, his eyes seeking out Viggo and Orlando sparring in the corner.

"No," Sean said quietly. "You. So will you?"

Dominic gulped.



Dominic felt himself slipping into the adoring puppy role, and hated himself for it.

They were in the second month of shooting, and although Dominic had noticed that the older man was seldom willing to join him in his leisure pursuits, Sean would still make sure to spend time with him every day.

Even if it was a short conversation about lunch.

Dominic found it compelling even while he felt abashed. Sean's acting credentials were long and remarkable -- Dominic recalled a rumor about how Sean had gotten his scar. It was from Harrison-bloody-Ford, for chrissake. Sean had been through a fair bit of life as well, if the three wives were any indication.

That Sean would find him the least bit interesting gave Dominic a guilty surge of ego whenever he thought about it. However, Dominic noticed that Sean was also careful to spend a bit of time with most of the cast and crew, which gave Dominic the unhappy sensation that he was reading far, far too much into it.

But Dominic could swear that it was Sean who first put the idea into his own head. Or was he overthinking?

"Starstruck, are you?" Orlando said to him softly one day on the riverbank.

"You caught me," Dominic said as lightly as he could. "I was watching Peter again, how'd you know?"

Orlando pushed him good naturedly. "Those two. Best friends. Maybe more." Orlando nodded in the direction of Viggo and Sean. "Inseperable, really. Spend all their spare time together."

"I didn't know Sean swung that way. Or Viggo really."

"Oh," Orlando's voice was light, "I think we all do at least a little. Even the manliest among us."

"So you watch him too, eh?"

"Yes. There's something about him that I can't take my eyes off."

"I know what you mean."

Sean had leaned back against a part of the mallorn stump's roots. He'd tilted back that sharply cut jaw, incisors showing as he laughed.

Viggo looked uncomfortable next to him, as though shown up in some exchange of wit.

"Sean's got those eyes that look slightly hurt, slightly tense. Like he's holding something back."

"Sean?" Orlando sounded surprised. "I was watching Viggo." Dominic realized that Orlando's gaze had turned intense. "Ever seen 'A Perfect Murder'? Viggo's ... well. He's naked. And..." Orlando noticed that Dominic was grinning at him, cleared his throat. "Look. We all have our thing."


But Orlando had inadvertantly given him a valuable bit of advice. Much to the dismay of the other hobbits, Dominic cleared his evenings for a week and rented twenty films, all with Sean somewhere in the credits.

"Weirdo," said Elijah, picking up a box. "What's all this about?"

Elijah had come over to pry him out of the house and found Dominic esconsed on the couch, surrounded by boxes of videos and stacks of pizza boxes.

"I'm kind of in the middle of something," Dominic muttered, hitting pause on Lady Chatterley.

"Whoa. Is that ... Sean behind that bouquet of flowers?"

Dominic blushed. "Well. Yes."

Elijah sat down and stared. "He's naked. Was this recent? He's in amazing shape."

"1992," Dominic said shortly, but comprehension slowly dawned on Elijah's face.

"Ah. I get it now. He's naked."


Elijah grinned. "Ahh. Well now. Look, this one has Sean in it too. And hey, this one does as well... Fixated, are we?"

"Piss off."

"Well then. If that's how you're going to be about it... Just give me the gorey details when you've landed him, okay?"

Dominic shook his head. "I'm not going to land him. You think I stand a chance with Viggo around?"

Elijah raised his eyebrows. "You've got youth on your side. And, um. Flexibility! You do a lot of yoga, that could be a selling point..."

"We're not going to talk about selling points right now," Dominic said firmly. "And I believe I told you I was in the middle of something?" Dominic cocked his thumb at the door.

Elijah chuckled. "Enjoy your fixation. My film choices these days seem to be either Viggo flicks with Orlando or Sean flicks with you. I wonder who Billy's going to get a crush on. I do hope it isn't Ian Holm, because that would just be weird."

"And you? Who're you going to get a crush on?" Dominic looked up at Elijah. The first few months, Elijah had spend nearly all of his free time with Sean Astin.

"I'd best be going," Elijah said as if he hadn't heard the question. "I'll see you tomorrow."



Banks of the Anduin.

Bean was standing with his arms folded, staring with amusement at Orlando. Orlando was doing a handstand while balancing a sword on his feet.

Viggo was standing in front of him looking both baffled and beguiled.

Sean shook his head as Dominic moved to stand next to him.

"Orlando. Little does he know that Viggo wants him almost as badly as he wants Viggo. Or," Sean added softly, "as much as I want you."

And as Dominic stood with his mouth open feeling like a complete fool, Sean turned to him and caught him by the shoulders.

"Will you come over tonight?"


Sex was so good it wasn't funny.

Sean lay half over him, looking down into his face, running his fingers lightly along Dominic's side. Dominic shivered.

"How'd you do that, with your throat and ... that pulsating tongue thing?"

Sean laughed, canines flashing.

Dominic raised a finger and traced a wrinkle, one that lead from the corner of Sean's eye to his hairline.

"Beautiful," Dominic said.

Sean looked down at him soberly. "One could say the same about you." Dominic felt Sean's hand play with the muscle in his stomach. Dominic clenched, making it taut. Sean's mouth curved into a smile.

"I think I'm going to swear off younger men," Dominic said.

Sean laughed again. "At least just until you're my age," Sean said. "And then you'll realize what a gift it is to touch youth." And he leaned down again.

Sean had an amazing way of making each kiss last for what felt like hours, tongues sliding against tongue until evey surface felt like it was tingling.

Dominic melted into the kiss, and imagined calling Elijah later, telling him about it, each lick and bite.

But suddenly, Dominic imagined himself not just telling Elijah, but showing him.

dom, bean

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