"Privacy", Faculty RPS, Josh/Elijah, G

Jun 24, 2003 18:44

Title: Privacy
Author: bexone
Fandom: The Faculty RPS
Pairing: Josh/Elijah
Rating: G
Feedback: pretty please with Josh on top
Disclaimer: I don't know them, and it never happened
Notes: for the contrelamontre "unusual kiss" challenge. 45 minutes, but I was being interrupted by work.

"Have you seen Elijah?" Debbie Wood made a point of always knowing where her
son was, on-set and off.

"No, ma'am, I haven't seen him," he told her, meaning, of course, that he
hadn't seen him since they broke for lunch, because of course Josh had seen
him; they'd been filming together all morning. "I'll tell him you were
looking for him, though."

"Thank you," she said, patting his hand. "You're such a nice boy, Josh."

"Thank you, Mrs. Wood," he said politely as she left. It was hardly
surprising that Elijah hid himself away from Debbie as often as he could,
and Josh suspected he knew where Elijah was this time.


"Hey. Elijah." Not on the couch, where it made sense to be sleeping, but
curled up under the desk, beneath the tubes and wires and glass vials that
Josh couldn't make heads or tails of (even though Zeke was supposed to be a
genius about those things,) and he suspected that most of it was bullshit,
and that if someone who really knew what they were doing saw this he'd piss
his pants laughing. But then, this was the movies, so all that mattered was
whether it looked good. Josh crawled under the table himself, keeping his
head tucked low so he didn't hit it as he reached out to shake Elijah's
shoulder. "Wake up, man."

"What?" Like that, he was awake - no yawn and stretch, no groggy muttering,
just eyes open and responding, like flicking a switch. Josh envied that;
some mornings he was still half asleep when he got to the set.

"Your mom was looking for you at lunch."

"Figured she would be." Josh had no idea what Elijah found to chew on at
this point, but his fingers were, as always, at his mouth.

"What's her deal, anyway?"

"She's really protective," Elijah said, and it sounded defensive.

"Yeah." Josh smiled. "I got that." A thought occurred to him. "Hey, aren't
you hungry?"

"I'm fine. I mean, yeah, a little. But I'll be fine."

"Cool." Josh considered leaving, but Elijah wasn't in any hurry; they
wouldn't be filming on this set again for another week, and they still had -
he checked his watch - fifteen minutes before they needed to be on the next
stage over.

"I just wish she'd leave me alone sometimes, you know? I'm old enough to
take care of myself." Elijah eyed Josh, as though daring him to challenge
the statement. "She's just always-I haven't even-I mean, I've only ever
kissed on camera, even." Josh considered this.

"Clea?" he asked, experimentally. She was cute, and unattached, and if Josh
hadn't noticed Elijah watching her any more than he watched everyone else,
appearances were deceiving, as his mom liked to say.

"No! I mean, obviously, yes," Elijah stammered. "But I mean in general.
She's always there, so I don't have a chance even if I do have a chance."
His brow furrowed. "Does that make sense?" Josh laughed.

"Yeah, it does." And without letting himself think about what he was doing,
Josh leaned forward until his lips met Elijah's. Sweet, so sweet, was his
first thought, and then came the realization that Elijah had frozen, barely
breathing. He pulled back. "You okay?"

"What was that?" Elijah whispered, his eyes wide.

"A kiss?" Josh shrugged. "Look, man, I'm sorry about that. Poor impulse

"No, I-" Elijah licked his lips thoughtfully. "What-what do you taste like?"

"Cloves." Josh fished the pack out of his pocket, handed it over. "My

"Can I have one?"

"She'll smell it on you."

"I'll just blame you," Elijah smirked, apparently quite recovered from his

"You know she thinks I'm a nice boy, right?" Elijah's only response was a

jhartnett, lij

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