
Jun 24, 2003 03:25

Title: Prefect
Rating: PG
Summary: Ron needs to take a bath and… well, read it. Minor OotP spoiler, but nothing major. Follows the related piece “Bruising” from a couple of weeks’ back, cause I tend to make my work related.
Pairing: Ron/Draco (Yes, again)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Feedback: Yes, please.
Disclaimer: Not mine, and the characters belong to J. K. Rowling. Please, don’t sue. Response to the unusual kiss challenge for the Contrelamontre Community. Done in an abysmal 50 minutes.

After Quidditch practice, all Ron wanted to do was take a long, hot bath.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come with me, Harry? I mean, no one is going to be in there right now, it’s late,” Ron asked as they walked along the dark corridors towards the prefect’s bathroom.

Harry shook his head. “I know it’s beautiful in there. I mean, Cedric gave me the password and all, but… I don’t feel right going in there when I’m not a prefect. You know what I mean? I’ll just shower and meet you up in the dormitory later.”

Ron watched Harry as he walked away, both their brooms in hand. Turning, he gave the password, and dragged his weary feet into the bathroom.

He could hear the steady drip of one of the taps as he walked in. Ron looked up, hopeful that one of the other prefects had only just left the tap running and had already left…

And was sorely disappointed, because there was Draco Malfoy, naked as the day he was born, sitting in a tub of soft blue bubbles.

After Harry’s suggestion and Ron’s realization the Malfoy might be attracted to him, he was the last person he wanted to see. Ron’s eyes immediately went back down to the floor.

“Oh, you’re here,” he mumbled. “I’ll just leave you to it then.”

“No, don’t go. The tub’s huge. I think we can both use it and not get in each other’s way, don’t you think?”

Ron felt the heat rising to his cheeks. He tilted his head up a bit and faced Draco’s gaze. “I can wait.”

“Red… just get in the tub.” Draco leaned over and turned on a random tap. Large white bubbles were added to the mix.

Ron tried not to stare at Draco’s wet back, or the way he could just see Draco’s arse in the bubbles as he moved. He stared at the mermaid painting instead, hoping it would distract him.

“Weasley, I said just get in. You’re tracking mud all over the place as it is.”

Ron heard the splashing of the water against the edge of the tub as Draco leaned back in place. The sound of the water did sound inviting…

“Fine. Just ah, give me a minute. And turn around.”

“No problem, I didn’t want to see your freckled arse anyway…”

“Oh, how would you know if I had freckles on my buttocks,” Ron said under his breath. He watched Draco turn around and did his best to quickly to take off the robes and, grabbing for the nearest towel, put it on.

Ron sat at the edge of the tub, putting his feet in to test the waters. When he was satisfied he had everything that needed to be covered draped in the towel he said, “You can turn around now, Malfoy. I’m covered.”

Draco turned around in the bubbles, and Ron got another peek of his arse. He turned red as Draco studied him.

“You’re covered, but you’re still not in the tub, Weasley. I said, get in.”

“I said I’ll wait until you’re done.” Ron said. He crossed his arms as if to drive the point home.

Draco moved in the water, closing the distance between them. When he was close enough so that he could touch Ron’s knees if he wanted to, he said, “I promise I won’t make one comment about your freckles.”

“That doesn’t count for much from where I’m sitting.”

Draco’s cheek started to turn pinkish, and he ran a wet hand through his hair. “How about if I close my eyes again and you just slip in?”

Ron considered it.

“No thank you. I can…”

“I won’t make any jokes about your body to any of the other Slytherins either.”

“I really can…”

And then Draco did something unexpected. He leaned in and kissed the top of Ron’s knee. Looking up he said simply, “You have my word as a Malfoy.”

Ron paused. Draco can be a git, but he suspected he takes his word seriously where his family was concerned.

“Fine, just… close your eyes.”

Draco did, and Ron slowly undid the towel and slid in, right in front of Draco.

“I’m in.”

Draco opened his eyes and took his place back where he was originally. Ron watched him as he leaned back and closed his eyes.

Draco didn’t look as mean or as threatening as he usually did, covered only in bubbles. In fact, in the subdued light of the bathroom and the reflected light on the bubbles, Draco was rather attractive… Ron thought about what he said in the greenhouse…

And he moved closer. “Draco, did you mean what you said the other day? About liking me if things were different?”

Draco nodded, eyes still closed, but kept his mouth shut.

Ron shouldn’t be doing what he was about to do, but Weasleys are not known for thinking things through.

It was the last thought Ron had in his head before he kissed Draco.


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