(no subject)

May 29, 2003 15:51

Title: Smoke
Author: velvet_eyes
Fandom: Velvet Goldmine
Rating: R
Pairing: Curt Wild/Brian Slade
Disclaimer: Not mine, damn it.
Feedback: makes me squeal with unholy glee
Notes: I had a much longer something written up, until for some reason I hit the little 'x' in the right-hand corner of the screen, and I don't know why, other than an odd twist of fate. Hopefully you'll enjoy this as much as you would have enjoyed what it was before. Written in 28 minutes, despite small distractions.

Curt exhaled, watching the white smoke trail into the night sky. His eyes followed a falling star, and he made a wish. He always made a wish. His eyes closed and he laid back into the grass, filling his lungs again with the sweet poison. He looked like a kid, lying there, one arm thrown over his head. A lost child, waiting for someone to rescue him from all that he'd been through, and all that was yet to come.


Curt exhaled, watching the smoke trail up into the night sky. No stars to wish on tonight, but he'd expected that. The day's sky had been white, overcast. Even when his blond hair had curtained his eyes the harsh brightness hadn't been shut out.

He stood, began walking again, remembering the previous day's mishaps. His tantrum in the studio. His confrontation with Brian, later, in their room. Brian had put on his Maxwell Demon face, complete with white face paint and glittering make up. Brian always became Demon when things were too much for him to handle. They had argued, Curt furious, Brian cool, over Curt's music. Brian said it wouldn't sell, Curt said it didn't matter. Insult led to insult, and finally Curt had thrown Brian down into the chair before the mirror and had scrubbed his face with a rag, ridding them of Maxwell Demon.

When Brian had turned away from him, only to sniff fine white powder, Curt stormed out. He'd ignored the sound of something crashing and breaking against the closed door, the screams of rage as he walked down the hallways, the shouts of fury as he walked down the street.

He shakes his head now, ridding himself of these thoughts, dragging deeply on his cigarette. He freezes in place as blue hair enters his vision. But the body turns, and it's not his beautiful Brian. What the hell's wrong with me, he thinks as he turns a corner. No stars to wish on when he needs them the most. His eye catches on the bright green pin attached to his jacket. He wishes on it, instead. Wishing for what he always does, for everything to be good for once. For someone to save him.

A car rolls by and stops not far away. He pauses before cautiously walking over. The window slides down, revealing a smiling Jack Fairy. Perhaps he didn't need the stars, after all.


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