It's PG rated, but I'm providing the cut tag all the same.
Title: The Scent of Cloves
Rating: PG
Summary: Sean muses over the scent.
Pairing: Elijah/Sean
Feedback: Yes, please.
Warning: Real Person Slash. If you have a squick, please don’t read. Written for the senses challenge at the Contrelamontre community on Livejournal in less than 30 minutes.
The scent of cloves reminded Sean of his mother’s kitchen, of baking pumpkin pie for the holidays, and of home with his wife.
The scent of cloves should never be associated with cigarettes, or with a co-star too inexperienced for him to be entertaining the thoughts of… well, thoughts Sean knew he couldn’t have and shouldn’t want.
The scent of cloves shouldn’t remind Sean of Elijah at all. Yet as he watched a wispy thin trail of smoke trail from a brown cigarette dangling from Elijah’s lips, that’s exactly what cloves reminded him of.
Would the feel of Elijah’s lips be as soft, as inviting, to the burning cigarette as they seem to Sean right now? Does the scent linger in Elijah’s hair and clothes? Would hugging Elijah to smell as he touched his friend drive Sean mad? Would the scent of cloves linger on Sean’s clothing to taunt him when he went home to his wife?
Sean wasn’t certain of the answer that question. Instead, he watched Elijah’s blunt fingertips reach for the ever shortening cigarette and pull it away from his lips.
Elijah turned his head and exhaled, and the scent of cloves was blown into the air.