Can't Get It Out Of My Head (VC, L/L, PG)

Apr 27, 2003 03:38

TITLE- Can't get it out of my head
PAIRING- Louis/Lestat
CHALLENGE- Soundtrack, 30min
SONG- Can't get it out of my head- ELO
SUMMARY- Lestat can see Louis. Will always see Louis.
DISCLAIMER- Yup, Anne's not min. No money. Don't sue.

Louis sighed and buried deeper into the sheets.

Lestat looked at him. At the fine red sheen of bloodsweat on his skin. At the tangled mass of his hair. At where his mouth lay slightly parted and relaxed in sleep, fangs hidden.

Louis shifted again, a shoulder, the smooth line of flank, the narrowed point of a hip exposed as the sheets slipped, sliding free.



He didn't look up.

"Lestat, are you out here?"

So young. Louis was so young. He felt old. Suddenly he felt old.


No moon tonight, no stars, just thick billows of clouds. Louis couldn't see him through the darkness, his vampire eyes not strong enough yet. He could see Louis. He could always see Louis.

"Ah!" Louis collided with his foot, nearly sprawling into his lap. "Here you are, I…" Louis trailed off, and he watched him chew at his bottom lip.

"You woke up and I had gone."

Louis nodded.

"Sit down." He reached up, grasping Louis hand and tugging him down. "You looked beautiful." Lestat pulled Louis in closer, kissing his on the forehead. "My beautiful one." Lestat paused. "It's all changed." He looked back towards the house, where his father lay in an upstairs room. "All of it. Hasn't it?"

"I don't understand."

"You looked so beautiful," he repeated. All that white skin, the flash of green eyes, softest lips. He shook his head. "Beautiful."

"Then nothing is wrong?" Louis cleared his throat. "Nothing was wrong? When we…"

He smiled at the blush that warmed Louis' cheeks. "Non." He felt Louis relax beside him. "I can see your face," he explained. "Hear your voice. Now. Here. I can taste you."


"I'll always be able to have that. It's mine now." He cupped Louis' face in his hands, feeling tears begin to prick at his eyes, suddenly glad Louis would not be able to see them. "The rest is all gone. The past, it's over. I have this now."

"Come back inside, Lestat" Louis sounded wary.

"I won't ever forget it, loose it."

"Of course not."

"You looked beautiful,"


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