Improv Fic: "Interupptions" HS/LM LOTR-RPS

Mar 31, 2003 10:34

Title: "Interruptions"
Author: Brenda
Pairing: Harry Sinclair/Lawrence Makoare
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Summary: Lawrence is truly the shy one
Feedback: As always, much appreciated.
Disclaimer: Never happened.
Notes: Written for the contralamontre challenge. 90 minutes, three scenes ending & beginning with the same word.
Partially written to get the fuck away from Harry/Karl. Because, yeah, I'm going to bore someone someday with that.

"Come on now
There must be something missing"
--Crowded House

"Well, whaddaya reckon, then?"

Harry squinted up, up, up--fuck, Lawrence was big--and smiled, taking off his headphone set. "Think it's goin' alright. You?"

Lawrence flopped in the chair next to Harry and directed his gaze towards the field where Karl and Danielle were rehearsing their next scene. Harry knew he needed to stop them in a minute--wouldn't do to rehearse too much. Lose spontenaity that way.

"Think you're going to give Karl a coronary."

Harry chuckled, eyes straying again towards Karl, who waved back. "It'll be good for him," Harry said, smiling when Karl said something that made Danielle laugh. Karl had a truly great smile. Harry made a note to write a scene where Rob smiled.

"Like watching him, don't you?"


Lawrence's shoulder brushed Harry's--flash of heat--when he shifted again. "Karl. You like him."

Karl smiled again, this time at Harry and Harry scooted closer to Lawrence's warmth, lost himself in Karl's smile for a minute; allowed the smile and Lawrence's warmth to wash over him like sunlight. "Yeah," he said, unaware of the question.

"I can get him for you."

"Hmm--what?" Harry finally turned his head and stared at Lawrence, stared into beautiful, dark eyes.

"Karl. If you want him, I can help you get him."

"I don't--um--oh." Harry's eyes widened, contentment forgotten. "Um--well, uh, very nice of you, but I don't--"

"You stare at him all the time."

"Well, yes, but, um, that doesn't mean--"

"You want him."

Again, Harry floundered for words. "Um, look, I don't think--"

"Good. Too much thinking ruins things."

Harry tried one more time, cause, um, this was just-- "See, the thing is--"

"It's alright," Lawrence stated, clapping him on the shoulder with a warm, firm hand, fingers lightly massaging tense muscle. "You're shy. I'll talk to him for you."

"But, I don't--"

Too late. Lawrence flashed Harry a wide, blinding smile, and walked off.

"Well, fuck."

Harry could only hope that Lawrence was joking. But he didn't hold out much hope.

* * *

"Hope that works out for you." Karl smiled, giving Danielle a big hug.

"Thanks. Ta, Lawrence." Danielle turned her smile to Lawrence and gave him the same warm hug.

"What's this for, then?" Lawrence asked, even though he returned the embrace easily.

"John and I are thinking of moving in together," Danielle replied, twisting her hands as she stepped back.

"I think it's a grand idea," Karl stated.

"Absolutely." Lawrence smiled again. "John's a decent sort, makes you happy."

"Right, but I--fuck, hold on, Harry wants something." Danielle waved back at Harry, gesturing for one more minute. "I'll be right back."

She stepped off and Karl gave Lawrence a considering look. "Well?"

Figured that would be the first thing that Karl would want to know. "No," he sighed. "We actually talked about you the entire time."


"Yeah, it's, um, I kinda--um--offeredtogethimforyou."

"Harry wants *me*?" Karl blinked, eyes wide in shock.

"He stares at you a lot."

"Yeah, but not like...Christ, Lawrence, not like *that*." Karl rested a hand on Lawrence's shoulder, squeezing gently. "Trust me, I know the difference. It's not me he wants. Not that it would do him any good."

"I just--"

"Stop. Talk to him." Karl grinned. "Really talk. Trust me."

* * *

"*Me*?" Harry pointed at himself and shook his head. "No. Not a good idea."

"Of course it is, Harry," PJ argued, pushing his glasses up with a finger. "You're the most easily corruptible person I know. You'll be perfect. It'll be fun."

"Uh huh." Like Harry was falling for that one ever again. "I'll think about it."

"I'll expect you for fittings and training in two weeks."

Harry could only shake his head at PJ's retreating back. Only PJ could turn a no into a definite.

"Harry, um--got a minute?"

Harry turned and smiled up into Lawrence's eyes. Truly gorgeous eyes they were. Color of espresso--rich, dark, sinful. Harry made a note to shoot a close-up of them. "For you, of course. Was just getting ready for a refill. Join me?"

Lawrence held up his own empty glass and they both moved through the house, making small talk with each other until they made it into the deserted kitchen.

'What do you need?" Harry asked, after he poured them both a fresh glass of Chivas.

"Um--look--about earlier--"

Fuck, he'd remembered. Harry's hand tightened on his glass and he could feel the brittleness in his smile. "You didn't really say anything to him, did you?"

"No, not as--"

"Good. Because, see, the thing is, I'm not into Karl like that." Harry rushed the words, knew--just *knew*--if he didn't, that Lawrence would interrupt him again.

"But you're always looking at him."

"He's nice to look at." And Harry would make no apology for it.

"But you don't want him?"

"No." Harry shrugged, studied the way Lawrence seemed to completely relax at the word. "He's too short," Harry stated, taking a gamble. Hoping that Lawrence's sigh had meant what he'd thought.

"Too short?"

Harry grinned at Lawrence's puzzled expression, and set his glass down on the counter. "And definitely not broad enough in the shoulders."

"He's--" Lawrence swallowed when Harry took a step towards him "--not?"

Harry shook his head and waited. Lawrence didn't disappoint. Big, dark eyes narrowed in consideration, then Lawrence hooked a finger through Harry's belt loop and tugged him forward. "So, you like your men big, is that it?"

"No," Harry corrected, sliding a hand across the back of Lawrence's neck, fingers tickling soft hairs. "I like *you*."

"Fair enough."

Lawrence's lips were warm on Harry's and further discussion was discarded in favor of non-verbal communication. Which suited them both just as well.

* * *

lmakoare, hsinclair

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