Didn't Hear That (RPS, Ewan/Liam, NC-17)

Mar 22, 2003 11:34

Title: Didn't Hear That
Author: helens78
Pairing: *RPS* Ewan/Liam with implied Ewan/Baz
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Written in 58 minutes for the latest contrelamontre challenge: Write a story that conveys a strong sense of jealousy, without using the word as such (or one that belongs to the same word family). Other forbidden words are envy and the likes. Anything up to sixty minutes is fine.
Feedback: Force, yes. Please.
Disclaimer: If reality is the planet Earth, this takes place on the planet Zarquon, which is approximately 1024 light-years away.


It was a long damn way to fly just to spend a week with someone. Liam stretched after getting out of his rental and scratched the back of his neck. I'm out of my mind, he thought, but I'm here, so fuck it. Might as well be out of my mind.

He only had one bag, which he slung over his shoulder before walking into the lobby. The reservation was in a neatly anonymous name, and he was able to get his room key without any difficulty. Bed. God, bed sounds wonderful.

First, though, a phone call. Liam's cell phone was only about half-charged, but at least he had the appropriate adapters for the plugs here. He'd manage. He didn't need long. Just needed to make a quick phone call, and then bed.

In his room, he thumbed past the various important numbers and landed on the one he'd been looking forward to calling for more than a month. It's been that long since I even talked to him, he realized. Damn.

Still, such things were to be expected in a relationship as long-distance as this one was. Even being on the same continent was a treat, let alone being able to meet up for a week. A week, Liam thought, grinning, despite the fact that their one week was going to have to be shared with preproduction and rehearsals. They hadn't been able to spend more than a weekend together in entirely too long. Over a year by now.

The phone had been ringing longer than Liam expected. He frowned as he sat down on the edge of the bed. If I'd wanted to hear his fucking voice mail, I could have called from the tarmac, he thought, irritated.

"...right back. Hello?"

"Ewan, it's me. I'm landed."

"Fucking fantastic. Are you checked in? Everything go all right?"

There was a hint of laughter in Ewan's voice, had been since he'd answered the phone in the middle of a sentence to someone else. Liam grinned at it. Can't wait to make him laugh like that close up, he thought. "I'm fine. Tired as hell, but fine. When will you be free?"

"Oh, well, I -- I don't quite know, yet. Can I call you back later? We're -- hold on." The sound disappeared, and there were muffled tones, barely distinguishable in the background. More laughter, more talking. Low tones, then lower, softer ones. The tones slowed, lowered more, then disappeared altogether. Liam strained to hear. He couldn't make out a damn thing. "All right, listen, I'm back. Can you give me four more hours?"

Four hours? For Christ's sake, Ewan, I've been... "Four hours should be all right. I could use a rest. Give me a chance to catch up on some sleep."

"All right. Then I'll see you later tonight."

"Right. Hey, wait a minute."


I missed you. I've been waiting for this week for months. God, Ewan... "No, nothing. Just looking forward to seeing you."

"You, too. I'll see you soon."

The phone clicked off in his ear, and Liam sighed. Not soon enough.

But a few hours' rest did sound good. Sounded wonderful, in fact. Maybe a shower first. He ached all over from the plane ride, from driving. Folding himself into cars was never comfortable, and he was glad he wouldn't have to get back in one at least until morning. Maybe later.

He stripped off his clothes and threw them in a pile on the floor, stretching more and scratching at an elusive itch on his side. He glanced at himself in the mirror. Still look pretty good, don't I? he thought, grinning. It was a fairly large mirror, and he grinned more broadly thinking about Ewan, on his hands and knees, facing the mirror while... Ah, not too tired to think that sounds like fun, am I? He smirked and padded off to the bathroom.


Two hours was all he could manage. More would have been welcome, but the sense of nervousness and anticipation and outright hunger were curling up in the pit of his stomach now, and he wanted -- wanted, yes, badly. He was tempted to dig through the bag for the lube and take the edge off, but not too badly tempted. It might make him feel better now, but later on -- well, he was nearing fifty, and his lover was still just shy of thirty. Don't think about it, he told himself. Ewan hated hearing Liam describing himself as old.

Liam brought out the dog-eared copy of The Two Towers he'd been reading on the plane. He'd finally finished Fellowship on the way out here -- it was a long damn flight -- and was actually starting to feel like the story was going somewhere.

He drew the curtains back and looked down at the street outside the hotel. There was little noise, and only a very occasional car drove past, let alone stopped.

Still, it was all he could do not to stand by the window and just watch, just wait. Months. Almost a year, really. And he sighed at himself. You asked for this when you got involved with him. He's so fucking busy all the time.

And he was. But damn, things were good when they actually had time to be together. Things had been good from the day they'd met. Neither one of them had any illusions about the limitations of a long-distance relationship, and there had never been any talk of giving up other lovers, probably never would be, but for the week they were together, neither one of them would be thinking about that. Just each other, and how long it had been, and damn, it was good to know he'd be seeing Ewan again in a matter of hours. Minutes, even.

Every noise from outside drew his attention until he gave up the book in disgust and strode back to the window. He'd gotten back into his jeans, but hadn't bothered with a shirt, and now he stood at the window with one arm pressed against the glass, the top button of his jeans undone, trying not to let himself start pacing. It's always like this, he reminded himself. He keeps you waiting, and you let him, because he doesn't mean anything by it, and he makes good on it in the end.

The next car did pull up, though, and it stopped in front of the hotel. The passenger door opened, and a young man with black hair climbed out. Liam watched as the driver got out and walked -- no, half jogged -- around the front of the car and nearly tackled the black-haired man around the waist, turning him around and falling against the side of the car, the black-haired man laughing all the way.

What the fuck...?

Liam gave the black-haired man a harder look, then suddenly realized who he was staring at through the glass. Fuck me, he thought, half-grinning, half-wincing. I've always liked him better as a redhead. Hope he didn't go overboard with the dye job... The thought made him snicker. He was still snickering to himself when Ewan turned around and shoved himself up against the driver, then let himself be drawn into a long, greedy kiss.

What the fuck...?

Liam turned away from the window, trying to convince himself he was imagining the laughter. He heard the car pull away after a moment, and sat down heavily on the end of the bed, waiting for Ewan to knock at the door.

The knock came fast, so fast Liam had barely had time to compose himself. He got up and walked across the room, finding that his legs ate the distance without even trying, and when he opened the door -- fuck, he looks good.

Ewan was glowing, in fact. He stepped in, and when the door shut, had Liam pressed up against the wall and was tilting his face up for a kiss. "You're here," Ewan murmured. "I've missed you like mad."

"Missed you, too," Liam said. He leaned down, and Ewan leaned up, and it was always so good between them. Liam wrapped his arms around Ewan's waist and sighed contentedly, breaking off the kiss. "How was -- whatever you were doing?"

"Oh, God, Liam, you have no idea. It's going to be a spectacular film; I can't believe I'm lucky enough to get to work with these people. Baz is a fucking genius. I had no idea. It's outstanding."

"That's wonderful," Liam said, voice sounding just a bit wooden, if one were to be honest about it. He let Ewan go. Ewan was full of energy, walking across the room as if he were dancing, or maybe floating. "You look happy," Liam observed. "About as happy as I've ever seen you. Doing that well, are you?"

Christ, did his eyes have to gleam like that? Did it really need to be so obvious? Or was Liam just imagining things?

Didn't imagine the kiss, he thought.

"Yeah, I'm doing that well. You're here. Come here."

Ewan was standing in front of the bed now, and Liam pushed thoughts of that kiss, the driver, whoever he was, out of his mind. He ran his fingers through Ewan's hair. "This is interesting," he murmured. "I don't know if I like it or not. How much of your hair did they dye?"

Ewan leered at Liam. "Want to find out?"

A quick scramble through the bags for lube and condoms, a hurried shedding of layers of clothing, and Ewan was on his hands and knees, facing the mirror, like Liam had imagined. Liam bent forward to kiss the small of Ewan's back before rolling the condom on and slicking Ewan's gorgeous ass with lube. Ewan leaned into the touch and purred. "Oh, I've missed you," he whispered, and then gasped quietly as Liam came to his knees behind him and pushed in, gently. It wasn't always this gentle, but Liam felt so tired, suddenly, and he wanted to be gentle, wanted to be slow. He pulled Ewan down until he was kneeling, Ewan cradled in his lap. Liam tucked his chin into one of Ewan's shoulders and watched Ewan's reactions in the mirror, watched the way Ewan's eyes closed when Liam brought a lube-slicked hand around Ewan's hip and stroked it slowly over his cock. "Oh, fuck, Liam..." Ewan's voice was breathless, the smile in it so dazzling it made Liam dizzy. "Just like this. I could stay just like this forever."

Just like this, Liam thought, and the world apart from them stopped turning for a while, the rest of it didn't matter, thoughts of what Ewan was doing here, what the rest of the week would look like, none of it mattered at all. "Ewan, I..."

"Mmmmmmm." Ewan arched his back a little and sighed. "Oh, right there." He shifted. "God. Like that. Please..."

Liam moved faster. Ewan moaned for him, and Liam closed his eyes, losing himself to the warmth of Ewan on his lap, the way he had Ewan wrapped up in his arms while he was wrapped up in Ewan's body. The strokes of his hips fell in rhythm with the strokes of his hand, and when the pleasure grew to the breaking point, Liam could only gasp, broken himself, as he came.

Ewan held on a few strokes longer, and then came with a fast, harsh, low whisper and a long, slow, soft moan. Liam stopped moving and held his breath while he felt Ewan's come spilling warm and soft over his hand. I didn't hear that, he thought, didn't hear that at all.

He knew who the driver was now, though. Didn't hear that, Liam thought again, holding Ewan while Ewan sagged against him. But he had, of course, and he took a deep breath and let it go, trying not to think of it, unable to think of anything else. He doesn't even know he said it. People say all kinds of things when they're coming. It doesn't have to mean anything.

Ewan moaned happily when Liam squeezed him around the waist. "God, I've missed you," he said. "It's been too long."

Doesn't mean anything, Liam thought. So don't think about it. He's here with you now. Don't waste it.

"That it has," Liam said. "I've missed you, too."


bluhrmann, ewan, lneeson

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