May 11, 2007 11:51
So, Mark Madlick hat DSDS gewonnen. hab nie diese Sendung gesehen, es mir doch egal. aber, es ist schon schön, dass ein hessischer Schwul hat es geschafft.
EasternVision Song Contest 2007
Saw the semi final of ESC last night. was für ein Scheiß ! the comment was even made, not one West-European country made it through to the main Compention, on Saturday. Almost every country east of Poland got though.. Georgia ??? i mean, really...
I voted for the Drag Queen from Danemark, the cute boys from Andorra (the Tokio Hotel of Catalan), and the AIDS support song Austria. we also appreciated the effort from the Netherlands and the drumming from Bulgaria. i really like Switzerland, because thats more my style... Isreal was simply bizarre, and not in that good way... tje... there is sometimes no telling with Europeans...
Belarus · FYR Macedonia · Slovenia · Hungary · Georgia · Latvia · Serbia · Bulgaria · Turkey · Moldova
At there will be some kind of eye candy with the hottie from Belarus... schworr..
in the final, out of 24 countries, there is a total of 17 east-european countries, including Greece and the Baltic states
whos left ? Finnland, France, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, and the United Kingdom...
i'm a little désenchanté...