Title: Past the Planets and the Stars
Media: Lilo and Stitch
Pairing: Lilo/Stitch (if you squint)
Smut Level: Questionable
Reason: Kink Meme
Summery: He had been her best friend, her fallen angel-dog who had shattered and saved her family. But he had gotten too big for the peaceful island. And somehow, so had she.
Of Space Dogs and Island Girls )
Comments 3
JUST....That was the most BEAUTIFUL...I DON'T EVEN...You tied all of it together, you did it in the most gorgeous and subtle way imaginable and I don't...
Forgive me, I JUST woke up, so conveying things isn't very easy at the moment. I can say simply that I adore this, so much, Lilo, the way you wrote her...It's utterly believable and...and...agh, WORDS, Y U FAIL ME TODAY?
I promise I'll come back when I'm more capable of not sounding like a moron and give you a proper comment. Until then? I adored this. So much. Just...beautiful. <3
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