Jan 10, 2008 15:26
today i got a tour of the collections dept of the children's museum! it was sooo rad and HUGE~! we were going through the toy collection and i saw a board game titled anti-monopoly which is the anti capitalist version of monopoly. the game has some roots with indianapolis because before there was an official monopoly board game, there were homemade versions of the game. there was an indianapolis version of monopoly which inspired the idea anti-monopoly. RAD. there was also a board game titled public assistance: why bother working for a living? this game is all about not getting a job and exploiting the welfare system. both of these games are still being made today.
there was also a pregnant barbie doll. it was real creepy because after barbie 'gives birth' her belly inverts. ick. they also had a ton of star wars figures getting ready for a new star wars exhibit for all you nerds out there.
tons of samurai swords and retro furniture.
good stuff,