First of all, may I direct your attention to the fuckingawesomelooking moon.
Also, inspired by a certain Sasha, I want you to comment about what your dreams / aspirations / ambitions / you get the pictures are. Because I think it'd be really interesting. I'd prefer realism to 'lol rule tha wordl :D' but whatever you want. And however many you want. Short term or long term. And in list or paragraph format (oh the freedom!). It just kind of occured to me that I only know a couple people's, and, well, a lot of us won't know each other that much longer (a little early for saying stuff like that, but that just kind of occured to me too) and I'm really interested in stuff like this. And I know I'm not the biggest commenter, but c'mon. Do it.
In ascending order of importance:
Somewhat Attainable
Cut My Hair and Like It
Get Into Kayaking
Like in a Brick House / Cabin
Get a Job That I Like and Will Support Me
Learn Cello
Go to College for Philosophy / Religion / Sociology
Move to Vermont / Canada / Somewhere Cold and Rural
Not So Attainable
Get a Master's in Philosophy / Religion / Sociology
Become Fluent in French
Appear Somewhere as a Guest (Or More) On a Real, Released CD
Learn to Be Less Ignorant / Distrustful
Visit Greenland / Alaska / Nunavut
Be Happy (At Least on Average)
Properly Thank Everyone I Have Known Before I Die