Jan 18, 2007 08:49
The past two days have been immensely eventful, but I have not had time to write about it. Andy and I designed/bought-in-pieces/assembled a table for the bay with the window on Tuesday. Then I went back for church in the 'dolph - it's always wonderful to play for stuff like Cornerstone events, because everyone wants to be there, and everybody sings, and there's a lot of energy in the room.
Wednesdays are REALLY long. But they end with Coffeehouse, which was and will be AWESOME! My 3-hour ED class flew by; the professor is really great and it was just a whole lot of fun. Choir was choral - noticed a few more flaws in Paula's direction, but hey, I learn as much from what she does wrong as I do from what she does well. I still think it would be neat to take a choral conducting practicum with her, just so I also get to get into her head. See where some of this stuff comes from.
Also, I have so far done EVERY assignment and handed it in in a timely manner. Be proud of me, damn it.
Well, time for breakfast. See you all later!