Today started way too early. One of the many joys of being on vacation is that 7:00am is unheard of. All three masses went well; 11:00 particularly was good. Me (piano), John (guitar) and Jenni (Clarinet) sounded really good. The Gloria was particularly made-of-awesome (to steal a
madlori term). I also sang the Epiphany Proclamation at 11, which as
firesinger1803 put it, is basically a commercial for the rest of the church year, set to chant. I thought I did well, even though I hate my voice. I sang it lower than Bob did, and with more authority. I wasn't asking them if they'd like to come to Ash Wednesday, I was proudly announcing when it was.
The rest of the day was rather uneventful, although the Christmas Tree finally came down. We broke some of it getting it into the basement. The bottom ring of fake branches is gone, so we're going to put a 6" step around the base, so it's not missed AND it looks like we have more branches. Go us!