
Sep 01, 2005 22:02

I have been listening to the smashing pumpkins a lot today. they bring back a lot of good memories for me. i've decided to do my senior project on zines. if anyone would like to donate their zine, let me know. it will force me to finish what i start , for once, and learn a little bit more about techniques.

today was the perfect september day, weather-wise. i don't care what anybody says, september is the best month for weather in this part of ohio.

i started a new notebook today. it is blue, and one subject long. i tend to not let them get too big, as by the time it is time for a new subject, i'm already changing and need a brand new start. yet i can't seem to shake the feeling of starting a new notebook, probably the 20 something one in my life so far.

i don't really know if i like my site. for those of you who don't know, i get credit for doing community service two mornings a week, and doing service learning in class for the rest of the time. the middle school is my current endeavor, and i have mixed feelings about it. in one of the classes i help kids with learning disabilities learn about life skills, such as choosing a career, cooking, and sewing. maybe i can help someone else find out what they'd like to be, even though i haven't even figured most of that out yet. the other option is doing busywork for this one teacher, which i hate. i would rather help out using my own skills instead of doing work that nobody feels like doing. i talked to one of the spanish teachers about helping her, and she seemed pretty interested. i would love to help teach spanish.

speaking of spanish, i am taking three languages this year: english, of course, plus german and spanish. spanish is sort of challenging, whereas all we have done in german is watch commercials for kangaroo shoes and green, banana-flavored alcoholic beverages and write out the numbers 1-100 in german three times each. i have learned more german from listening to wir sind helden than in class, but hopefully things will pick up soon.

my dad is still heading in the wrong direction, and my mother is still crazy. somehow i'm dealing with it, though, and hoping every day that things will change.

most days i don't have a way to get home from school, as the car that i have planned on using all of my life has rotted away to a skeleton that needs a smorgasboard of new parts and will probably die within the next year anyway. i can't see spending most of the money that i have saved up on a piece of shit vehicle, just to say that i'm cool and drive to school. i don't really have a way to get to school anyore, so anyone who wants to be sweet and take me home will be given money every week.

speaking of gas, i was watching my parents watch bill o' riley today. he was telling people how they just COULDN'T boycott oil because our economy would go bad and we have no choice but to keep buying it. that is the craziest thing i have ever heard in my entire life, as there isn't going to be any more soon. people don't realize that diesel cars can run on vegetable oil, but then again, most people don't have a diesel car. i plan on getting one and using enviro-friendly fuel that can save everyone money and their respriatory systems if they try it. we'll just have to see.

there really isn't much more to update on, other than as it gets colder i might get more lonely, but that's just a force to be dealt with when winter comes. cheers to fall.
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