Jan 27, 2006 21:06
*Skywarp walked out of the Constructi... Insecti... aw, slagitall. Take two.*
*Skywarp walked out of the repair bay, glancing over his shoulder to see if Skystream was following. He had, after all, just invited her down to the mess hall for some energon. And to his surprise, she had accepted.*
..oO( She's either needing to refuel, or she's as tired of day-glo green as I am already, and I thought green and purple were a bad enough combination. Between Insecticons, Insecticlones and those tiny little bugs the base has been infested with lately, the last fraggin' thing we needed was MORE bugs. Anyway. Glad I'm out of there now.)Oo...
*It never occured to the Seeker to actually thank said 'bugs' for the fact that he was walking and not slithering toward the mess hall, as the word 'thanks' nor the concept behind the word were really a part of Decepticon life. So he simply walked down the corridor and went about his business.*
((OOCly.. for the record, *I* love the Constructis' new icons, all the icons really, but Skywarp's just got to be his usual snarky self.
[Skywarp] So you picked MY journal to say that in.
Yes, dear. And yes, I know, you hate me. ))