i'm bored! grr

Jun 20, 2004 16:46

I'm really bored so i stole this from jana's journal! hehe

Three Things I'm wearing
1. Jess's necklace
2. my "boy shorts"
3. a shirt i got in hawaii that has surf boards on it

Three Things Currently On My Desk
1. My cell phone
2. Stuff about different colleges
3. a pen

Three Things I Want to Do Before I Die
1. Experience love in it's truest form
2. accept myself
3. skydive

Three Good Ways to Describe My Personality
1. Blonde..I can be ditzy sometimes.
2. Funny
3. spaztic (if that's even a word..but everybody knows i'm a huge spaz lol)

Three Bad Things About My Personality
1. I'm too trusting of people
2. i'm too forgiving..in other words- I'll take someone back no matter how badly they've hurt me.
3. I can be really quiet sometimes..i don't know if that's bad though

Three Things I Like About My Body
1. My eyes
2. my smile
3. my calves (?- i just couldn't come up with a 3rd one lol)

Three Things I Don't Like About My Body
1. my thighs
2. my stomach
3. my hands

Three Things Most People Don't Know About Me
1. i like country
2. I'm self conciece (spelling?)
3. I'm not the happiest person even though i may come across as that sometimes

Three Things I Say The Most
1. "That's awesome"
2. "frappin'"
3. "There ya go"

Three Places I Want to Go
1. Canada
2. Italy
3. Spain

Three Names that I Go By
1. Mary Beth
2. Mary
3. MB

Three Screen names That I've Had
1. mtothebword
2. GuardHottie3
3. Incomplete321
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