Jan 26, 2006 01:20
So this was my day. Or at least the important bits.
Did nothing for most of it. Went to CS2 lab. Snapped at certain people and was a doll to others. This is your warning for Genericon. If I'm a total bitch, and cuss you out and generally act out-of-character, I warned you. Saw Brokeback Mountain with Brian and 7 other people, and somehow managing to fit in one SUV. Trunks are uncomfy, even for the short ride to/from the Spectrum. Cake is good. Bawled my eyes out like a little girl at the end. Wasn't really expecting to, as I didn't really "get" the whole thing, but was crying nonetheless. Need to work on the whole silent crying thing. Don't like sniffling in the middle of a movie. It's a really bad movie to watch for missing people. I miss you guys. Coupla you especially, but some of you don't read this thing. Still gotta study my Bio for my quiz tomorrow at 9 in the frelling morning, then throw money at OtherStefan so he can get me meat. I gotta work on my CS2 homework- due midnight tomorrow.
I gotta sleep. G'night, all. Miss you.