Josie is my bb!♥

Oct 15, 2009 02:25

2006 - She's Buttercup, I'm Bubbles. Elicia was Blossom! :D

2006 - Building the longest sandcastle at East Coast Park, school event.

2008 - Sentosa for Luge

2009 - Zouk

2009 - Ion

2009 - F1

2009 - Webcam, hahaha


Eventful, eventful. Our life has been so eventful together, hahah. I knew you since 2006, so it has been three years now. You're my best buddy to go shopping, clubbing, flea-ing, facebooking, webcamming, skipping classes, exchanging Nike shoes, climbing school gates, getting into trouble with TMX, anything under the sun. My meesua and Frolick-eating partner. Happy 20th Birthday!♥ Glad to have known you, glad to still be friends with you even though we took separate routes just one year after we knew each other. I'm glad we agreed we've both become more normal now, LOL. Just look through that photo folder and you'll know. And of course, love laughing at you-know-who on Facebook. Roflol, you stalker! Oh yes, happy to be engaged to you in FB! HAHAHHAH. Love you loads, xiia0sha_89♥^^ :D :D


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