I love you, Kim Junsu :D

Dec 14, 2008 23:46

Happy birthday Kim Junsu! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BB♥

♥Childhood/Younger Days

Awww, little Su receiving a prize, but so shy :3~

Lulz whut ;_;

Dwarf head LOL



His S-line ;)

Lulz duckbutt is awesome, no? :D

I just had to include this. Awkward positions are win LOLOL

♥Emotional boy(:

Trying his best not to cry. Awww Junsu~

He puts his soul into every word he sings :)

♥Cute stuff

Turn into....a pillow!? O_O

The one on the left, sleeping in his own unique position :D




Eukyangkyang :D~

Oh, su. LOL

LULZ omg fail *O*

Lolololol aww innocent bb

"Mine, alllllll mine, heheheheh"

Dancing sheep^^

Thrusting with an angel!su face still

Oh whai sexy bb

He's full of YUMMMMMY

Possessive much ;)))


I hope you guys enjoyed the picspam! :D
Happy 22nd birthday to you, Junsu bb. I love you beyond words but I'd happily sacrifice you to Yoochun. You're awesome before, now and forever. I hope you won't ever change your personality because that's what I like about you most. It wasn't love at first sight with you when I first saw DBSK, but it was your ever smiling, happy and cute personality that drew me to you. I don't believe in love at first sight anyway XD Your voice, your looks, your jokes, your eukyangkyang, I love everything about you, even your tadpole-shaped eyes and squeaky dolphin squeals. I ♥ you :) You're the mood setter of the group, you never fail to make the rest of them laugh. I hope you know you're important to the group despite them bullying you all the time and even the magnae of the group bullies you. Although they like to pull jokes on you and will never say "Xiah Junsu, hwaiting!" for you, you must know that each and everyone of them loves you so much :) Even if the world does ever fall apart, may Yoochun always be there for you. Sorry, am a little yoosu biased. May God bless you and I hope you have the best day of your life today. I love you, Junsu bb! Saengil chukha hamnida to you & Junho too♥

Here's a virtual present for you, I baked it earlier on, browniessss!

P/S: It's 3am over here at Singapore and I need to wake up at 7AM cos of work tomorrow. But lol, Junsu's birthday is more important :D!

☆public, ♫fandom: 동방신기, ♫idol: kim junsu, picspam, event: birthday

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