DBSK Friending Meme!

Dec 04, 2008 21:50

DBSK Friending Meme

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☆public, ♫fandom: 동방신기, ☆meme

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the_onlylove December 5 2008, 03:08:03 UTC
lol your icon<33 jae is soo hot no? XD heygirl at O concert was really sexy.


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the_onlylove December 5 2008, 13:00:30 UTC
haha i wanted to be the girls dancing with them at the concert though. =P i can't wait to see the perfs of the songs from the 4th album at their next concert~ i bet they'll be super hot XD
can i friend you? (okay i kinda already did.) XD


dapdaphae December 5 2008, 02:20:14 UTC
SO UM. i've been wanting to ask if i could friend you for like, the longest time and i always see you around Hoshi's journal and i think you're awesome and um. you're write very well and um um. um um um. friends? :'D



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dapdaphae December 5 2008, 02:26:36 UTC
eee X3 friends :D ♥


contrabandlove December 5 2008, 02:37:09 UTC
I'm glad the fandom world is not filled with only 14 or 15 years old kids D:
And LOL your gif is Chun!face awesome XD


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contrabandlove December 5 2008, 02:52:14 UTC
HAHAHA how I love Chun!face and Junsu's D:
I guess we're the older generation of fangirls now! :D


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contrabandlove December 5 2008, 15:38:32 UTC
I add you nao :D♥


jackie_anime December 5 2008, 05:16:10 UTC
OO Las Vegas! I lived there for a year!


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jackie_anime December 8 2008, 06:02:15 UTC
I live in Toronto, Canada now.

It's been like.. 5 years since I've last been to LV.. which is quite sad.. cause I enjoyed my time there SO MUCH...

I swear, one day, I will return. xD


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