evil_queen369Genre: Crack, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Fandom: the GazettE, alicenine, Kagrra, Screw, Acid Black Cherry, Dir en Grey
Pairings: Aoi/Uruha, Reita/Ruki, Kai/Shin, Shou/Hiroto
Rating: NC-17 (overall)
Warnings: Overall - sex, masturbation, language, stupid Akira
Chapter: 9/?
Synopsis: Neither one, Kouyou or Yuu really remembered them, but Shinji and
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aw yutaka,ur plan.wkwk sounds good but it will bring trouble later.
kazuki?what about him?ow he’s one of thing yuu must take care of.
can’t wait next chapt.
need this I make mistake.god just kill me,but not until I go to Japan.xixi
While I was writing this, I never once thought about my fear of butterflies, so it's funny you mention it because that actually is my reaction to them. xD I do more than just squeal though. It's more like I squeal, freeze up, and scream bloody murder for my mom. xD In the end, the neighbors think I'm an idiot.
I'll explain Kazuki a lot more. I have to cover Kazuki, Toshimasa, and Manabu. The other last two were just mentioned once or twice, but they do connect a bit. Obviously Kazuki and Manabu are connected. It should be up in the next couple of days depending on my plans.
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