Aug 10, 2009 23:00
"You expect your significant other to be able to live as long as you so that you can do the things both of you had ALWAYS wanted to do. But the truth is, he or she might not live that long, so treasure the ones you love while you can. Don't regret the things you never did for and with them while they are still here."
That's my new Facebook status.
I think when i was watching the movie, i cried even from the start. Like, Federicksen (or Federickson?) didn't get to fulfill what he had always wanted to do with his wife.
To travel to Paradise falls by Paradise Island.
And to think he kept saving coins in this glass jar so that they can travel together.
But a very good part about the movie was also when Federicksen flipped to the page behind the 'Stuff I'm going to do'.
It was freedom to not get tied down to only what the wife had wanted. It was reassurance that what he did was good enough for the wife. It was encouragement to find his own joy and to fill up his own 'Stuff I'm going to do' pages.
And that is what i like about films like this. It re-teaches you what being a human is all about. It reminds you to love others. Especially those that you care about very much.
loving others,