Dec 08, 2006 15:44
I wanna bake. It's really hard to do with a cast, though, you know? But by the time I get it off, I'll probably be off visiting for Christmas. I should just suck it up, shouldn't I? Heh, I'm so silly~ (I'm also on Vicodin). Sooo... after a nap, I'll go do that. Cookies for Jett and Sker~ I'll hafta leave an extra batch for my family, too. Hehe, I haven't baked with raisins in a while. They're soft and squishie, and fun to fling at people with spoons! :3 But ya, I'll have an assistant to get me things, or to help me remember that it's two eggs per serving, not four! Not four! XD Mmm, oatmeal~
I'm really talkative, but I don't want to get on AIM. 'Cause if I do, then I'll like, never get off the computer, and will forget to elevate my foot and put ice on it. D: So, instead, I'll talk here! :D
Last night I played with my Runes. They're peculiarly cold and distant. I'm not losing my bond with them, they're just kinda jealous that I'm not spending much time with them. In fact, they're not answering my questions at all. They keep avoiding the question, but pointing out the way to find it out. Which is really wise of them, since I should learn on my own, but I wasn't casting for me. Rather, for Alyssa. I also got a disturbing message from them about her, and I'm kind of afraid to say it, or really believe it. After all, what do a bunch of silly rocks that I feel emotionally and spiritually connected to know? u.u; Sometimes I hate trusting in inanimate objects. At least... they gave me something to say to Alyssa when I next speak to her.
Someone, not too long ago, asked me how I knew what the Runes meant. They're so cryptic and vauge, and its almost a riddle. I told her its because of our bond. I understand what they're saying, and the only problem is, that what they're saying could mean multiple things. So, that's when my instinct comes in hand. It's simply just that way of knowing, without actually knowing. Which, in essence, might not make sense, but people who're even a fraction of spiritually knowing with understand. I think, at least.
Which brings me to my next topic! (Wow, haven't written an entry this rambling in a while.) I'm not religious (well, I am, but I mean religious as in the sense of believing in a God/ess), but I'm spiritual. To a lot of people, this is oxymoronic, though I think (or believe, w/e) that spirituality is simply believing in life, and believing that there are other thigns going on that we don't know/understand about. I do admit to being ignorant on various levels, and to a point, rather naive. But, I do know what I think as of now, and I do know I'll change, and I also knwo that I'll never really know everything about myself, and knowing all of these things are important to me spiritually. For, if I'm not confident in myself, then nothing and no one else will be confident in me, which I need in order to have their friendship and trust. I also admit to not following this guideline ALL the time, but I do try to.
Someone else asked at how I didn't believe in the Godess(es), yet was still called myself Wicca. The point to Wicca, as I've come to believe, is that you believe in nature. You don't have to believe in the Goddess(es), really, and can be a great deal many other things. In fact, I've met a Christian, who claimed to also be Wicca. Oxymoronic? To some, it is. But really, there's nothing that says anything about not being able to not believe in Jesus Christ. In fact, there's quite a few things saying that you can believe in any number of God or Goddess, as long as you respect nature and *the Self (a Runic term, since I can't remember the Wiccan one. They might be the same?). SOme might say I'm a bit young to be so strongly religious and firm in standing by the Wiccan religion, but I'm really not. I do understand that people grow, and that I will believe in different things in even a year from now. I've studied religions, and have found that this one, as low as people think of it to be, fits who I am as of now. I also feel that I don't need a religion, and am aware that I might be trying to convince myself that I do need one. But, honestly, I know I'm not. I just... know.
I feel like RPing with my W.I.P. plotline (Jett, you know this one, its about the bratty kid who led all the other bratty kids 'n' stuff). I drew the conjoined twin Gods today. I don't think I did as much of a religious drawing as I did a concept drawing. Ah well, I'll play with it, make them look more well, Godly. xD Until then, the storyboard will be under construction! D:
I'm soooooo tired right now. But am too restless to go sleep... Wow, this is a lot longer than I thought it'd be. I wish I could call someone, but I don't like bugging people when I call them. Like, like, I could call them, and they'd be like, busy doing something important, and I'd just be an annoying pest trying to side-track them ;-; I've done that a lot, I think. It royally sucks. I also hate repeating myself on the phone. I'unno why. And its not like I'm getting mad at them for not hearing me, but I'm embarassed that I didn't speak loud enough. I want to get out of the habit of mumbling. It's a really bad one, and also when I'm not mumbling it feels as if I'm shouting (which I probably am, ask Elie). I hafta find a nice midpoint. :D
*the Self is different than the self, since Self represents the you that is dominant and strong and confident, while the self is the shy, ignorant part of you.
Haha, yet another goal~ But first, I must rest my foot! And while doing so, I'll take a nap, then make oatmeal raisin cookies and *gasp* surprise-flavor cookies to send to Jett and Sker. XD; I'll get tha tubberwear this weekend behind my parent's backs >.>;
Heeeeeeeey, Griffidy, what do you want for Christmas!? (gimme a list so it doesn't spoil the surprise! XD)
Hm... I also oughta shop for Elie. Haha. I know what I'm getting Lynxie though!
Ack, must stop talking. Need nap.
*hugs everyone*
lawl, <3@youz
~Hilfy, within the Babbles
EDIT: Heh, random thought I had while drifting off; I miss having long ears. Then that made me think; how can I miss them if I never had them? o.O