Mar 21, 2006 00:19
Four Jobs I've Had in My Life:
1) European Tour Guide
2) University Research Assistant
3) Public Relations Consultant
4) Check out Chick
Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over:
Are you kidding? There are too many movies to waste time watching one over again.
Four Places I've Lived:
1) Brisbane
2) London
3) Paris
4) Bangkok (right now!)
Four TV Shows I Watch:
None. No house, no TV.
Four Places I Have Been on Vacation:
1) Myanmar (Burma)
2) Koh Tao (And stacks of other beautiful Islands in Thailand)
3) India
4) Nepal
Four Websites I Visit Weekly:
1) Hotmail
2) Contiki mail
3) Live journal (ok maybe monthly)
4) Wikipedia
Four of My Favourite Foods:
1) Anything Thai, especially on the Island of Koh Chang
2) Anything from Budda Bar in Paris (hey Chris!)
3) Martinis (Hey - it's a food - it comes with olives
4) Tomato
Four Places I Would Rather Be Right Now:
Are you for real? Nowhere! I'm in Bangkok! I'd rather that my brother, and or some other playmates were here. Not that Darren isn't awesome company... mind you...