Aug 30, 2009 02:16
I went to Brandon Beauchesne's wedding reception today and saw him for my first time in at least two years. Aside from being one of the most harmonious and joyful experiences of my life, it made me think of some things. I came up with a couple milestone thoughts for myself:
Passion is not an act.
I have absolutely no career plan, just a openness to see where my interests will take me. All naysayers can s my d.
You know when you find your self in a situation where the meaning of a word that you've never thought of or used before materializes itself in your mind because it was created for that exact instance? That just happened to me. I think I feel exuberant. About life and most of the things that are going on in mine right now. Sydney. School. Friends. Family. Interests. The future.
This is all awesome and ridiculously assuring.