
Feb 04, 2009 10:49

So recently I've been thinking -

I'd really like to be a fursuiter.  I mean, I've always wanted to be one.  It's just, I've never had the chance or opportunity to become one.  And, honestly, I still don't.

Ever since I was in the seventh grade, I've known about furries.

Back then I was a member at a board with a bunch of strange social outcasts.  And when I say strange, I mean every definition of the word. These people would always mock furs, and back then I had no idea what a furry was.

So, curiosity killed this cat and I started to do some research.  Nothing major you know, just a few google clicks here and there.  It was around this time I stumbled across a fursuiter known as Timduru.  I  wasn't introduced into the fandom through yiff or sex.  Ironically my first showcase of a furry was quite soft.  Get it, quite soft?  Furry.. you know.  YEAH.

Anyway, I found some videos of this furry and I started to watch them.  They were videos of him in fursuit playing with kids, showing off, having fun.  You know, all those good things.  I became extremely intrigued.  I thought it was amazing how he could act.  He was so playful, so energetic, so appealing.

He was, in my opinion, able to become an entirely different character.  In the videos he always made the kids smile.  He would go up to complete strangers and make them laugh.  You'd think most people would be like, "Eh.. freak in a costume, not around my kids please."

But, honestly, he wasn't a "freak in a costume".  That's not what a fursuiter is in my opinion.  From how I see it, there are many different people who wear fursuits and many different ways a fursuit can be worn.  But the way he wore his - well, it was like watching an actor in a movie.  The more I watched him, the more I wanted to do what he did.  And, over time - I started to find other fursuiters.

Around the time I was turning sixteen, I came to some "magical" realization that I wanted to be a furry.  Because, by that age, I thought I "knew" what a furry was.  But, I'm sort of glad I didn't jump the wagon.

Throughout the following years leading up to my junior semester in high school, I plowed the internet for furry things.  And, believe you me, I found them.  And, they didn't turn me away.  I can't really explain what my obsession is for the fandom - but it's there.  Sure, I have my personal dirty little reasons - just like everyone does.  But, there's something bigger.

I admire the people in the fandom - I find their interests facsinating.  I find their personalities intriguing.  They're the type of people that I want to know.  Even though they get a lot of bad rap - it doesn't bother me.  I literally worship fursuiters - as stalkerish as that may sound.  I find them to be amazing people - though they're no different from anyone else.

They're like small time actors in a harsh world.  They're able to put on a suit and become something entirely different.  And, honestly, I don't care what they become - it still fascinates me.

That's all the time I have for now, I have to rush to class, I'll continue this later.  LIKE.  YOU KNOW.  AFTER CLASS IS OVER.

By the way, my nose is stuffy and this is my excuse as to why I wrote this post.  BECAUSE MY NOSE IS STUFFY.


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