Aug 29, 2003 11:52
yk, one of the few things I truly miss about board life is food talk. & not just posting recipes, although I love that v much, but the chattiness of people knowing each other as they post recipes & when someone would say omg, my child WILL NOT eat!, & then everyone would say it's ok, mine won't eat either! & hey, tell me about allergy testing, & someone else wants to know what to do with 50 lbs of zucchini & I am so damned tired of making the same 3 things for dinner!, & shit, I have to cut out dairy because it gives the baby eczema, what can I eat?
I know this goes on in individual ljs, but is there a more centralized community like this that I just don't know about? would people even be interested in something like this, or is it just me?