My life since we last spoke

Jul 15, 2007 22:07

Wow I have not had time to post in a while. Sorry, guys. My life has just been pretty busy and so I have not been online as much.

So Summer is going well. I had an absolutely brilliant time on the coast, got back, and started my summer class (which is going surprisingly well).
My marks in my regular courses were quite bad, but since I missed 6 months, I am pretty pleased that I even passed them.

Hmm... what else has been going on in the life of La Contessa...

Oh! I had another big show with Gau, which went well. We have another huge one in August, which we are preparing for like mad. I am quite nervous, as this will be our third big show, and so we cannot blame any bad classes on it being one of our first shows. It is also a qualifier for provincials, so... yeah. I am a nervous wreak.

This week, Street Performers Festival is on, and then Capital X (formerly known as K-Days or Klondike Days) and Taste of Edmonton are on later this week and into next week, so that is always a lot of fun.

I have yet to see OotP, but I don't think I will see it in theaters, as I usually quite dislike the movies, and don't want to waste $14 dollars on something that will just upset me.

The other day, I got ID'd going into a 14A movie. They thought I was twelve! Honestly! Do I look twelve? Well, you guys don't really know what I look like, but still...

As I am completely shallow and obsessed, I will talk, once again, about "my" guy. Well... sort of my guy.

He was gone for about a month, until he came home because his mother died suddenly. He is completely depressed. He has not left his room in over a week, is completely out of it, has stopped eating, bathing, has done nothing but lie there for the past week.
Now, I asked my girls on the forums for advice, and know what to do. My problem is my horrible selfish nature.
Is it terribly disgusting that, after not seeing him in over a month, I am happy he is home (he left something he was really, really looking forward to for the past year to come home to deal with this), and am glad to see him, even in such horrible circumstances?

I feel like such a terrible person, being so happy to have him back when he is so miserable.

Onto happier things...

I have really been enjoying the fics from the exchange. I have not gotten a chance to read them all, but have been enjoying them so far. However, I have been quite disappointed by the quality of the fanart this time around. There were only a few pieces I liked, and many that I actually disliked, among the ones I was just indifferent to. Am I the only one who thinks this? I always feel bad to critique them, but really, some were just... not appealing to me whatsoever.

Ah, well.

So how has my lovely flist been? I have had so many posts to read, and could not reply to as many as I would have liked to. 'Tis a pity. I have also completely given up on culpaepatria (however you spell it), as it requires way to much dedication, and I could not follow it after missing a few days, and a week at one point. I will read it when I have the time. Just like I will read "Not Quite Fate." And continue "Hespraidies Apple." And re-start "Keeping Christmas." And... oh gods, there are so many. My "for a rainy day" list is so long, it will take me a monsoon to have enough rainy days to read them all.

Ta, my lovelies. I hope you all have a fabulous summer, and I will hopefully post more regularily now.

me, riding, boys, summer, flist, fics, shows

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