You know what I've noticed?

Dec 04, 2006 04:59

You know what I've noticed? We run from the things that we want the most, because we know that when they fall apart, they will hurt more than anything else. A friend of mine is in love with his friend, but she is running away, because she cannot face him. She does not want to be hurt if they fall apart, and so she would rather never know what could have happened than be with him, and potentially have her heart broken. I have done the same thing; run away because I cannot risk losing something that in my head is perfect, or something that I really care about. If we give a damn, we know that in the end, it will be that much more painful, so we turn to something we couldn't care less about, just as a self preservation tactic.
In your dreams, it will all be wonderful, but life is not like that. We have flaws, and nothing will ever be perfect. Is it so wrong to wish for perfection? But then, why is nothing good enough? Should we just accept something for what it is?
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