bored. obviously.

Sep 02, 2006 22:35

70 Questions to End the Summer...

1. Are you in a relationship?: yes
2. Do you hate more then 3 ppl?: probably
3. How many houses have you lived in?: one
4. What is your favorite candy?: hmm sweedish fish?
5. What are your favorite shoes?: my black and gray pumas
6. Have you ever tripped someone?: yes haha
8. What was your favorite summer trip this year?: shore? florida?
9. Do you own a Britney Spears CD?: yea
10. Have you ever thrown up in public?: yes
13. What is your sign?: pisces
14. What time were you born?: 3 oclock or something
15. Do you like beer?: ick no
16. Have you ever made a prank call?: haha yesss
17. What is the most embarrassing CD you own?: probably like simple plan
18. Are you sarcastic?: at times
19. what is ur fav color?: white or yellow
20. How many watches do you own?: none who wears watches anymore?
21. Summer or Winter?: fall
22. Spring or fall?: fall
23. What is your favorite color to wear?: dont have a favorite
24. Pepsi or Sprite?: dr pepper
25. What color is your cell phone?: silver soon to be pinkk
26. Wheres your second home?: my aunts house
27. Have you ever slapped someone?: yes
28. Have you ever had a cavity?: plenty
29. How many lamps are in your bedroom?: none
30. How many video games do you own?: zero
31. What was your first pet?: uh probably a goldfish
32. Have you ever had braces?: nah
33. Do looks matter?: sometimes
34. Do you use Chapstick?: yea
36. American Eagle or Abercrombie?: american eagle.
37. Are you too forgiving?: kinda
38. How many children do you want?: 2 maybe
39. Do you own something from Hot Topic?: yeah.
40. What is your favorite breakfast?: pork roll
41. Do you own a gun?: haha no
42. Whats the last thing you ate?: skittle
43. When was the last time you cried?: weeks ago.
44. What did you do last night?: hung out with mark
45. When was the last time you went to Olive Garden?: months ago.
46. Have you ever called your teacher mom?: nah
48. What are your nicknames?: lane, jane.
49. Do you know anyone named Bertha?: hahaha thats my grandmoms nickname
50. Have you ever been to Kentucky?: no hah
51. Do you own something from Banana Republic?: ew no.
52. Are you thinking about somebody right now?: markk.
53. Have you ever called someone Boo?: my baby
54. Do you smoke?: no.
55. Do you own a diamond ring?: no.
56. Are you happy with your life right now?: yes.
57. Do you dye your hair?: yeah.
58. Does anyone like you?: maybe.
59. What were you doing May of 1994?: being a cute todler.
60. Do you own a Backstreet Boys CD?: hellzz yeah.
61. McDonald's or Wendy's?: both.
62. Do you like yourself?: yeah
63. Are you closer to your mother or father?: mom
64. Favorite feature(s) of the opposite sex?: eyes, face, height
65. Are you afraid of the dark?: sometimes
66. Have you ever eaten paste?: ew no.
67. Do you have a webcam?: no
68. Have you ever stripped?: hahaha no
69. Whos the last person you spoke to?: my dog
70. What are you looking forward to the most this week?: school, paycheck
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