Ok, so after many promises, I finally got down to my down and updated the current state of the participants. Sorry it's taken me a while. School has been really crazy this semester. Let me know if I've made any mistakes. It's time to eat some breakfast (read: A waffle with strawberries and whipped cream).
The Participants
(Italics indicates use of mulligan)
Dave+Lily Iain Jake M. MarisaNicole Nora Phil Taylor S. Fallen Comrades
Alex (2/5, 2/15)
Amelia (2/5, 2/9)
Ben (2/9, 2/18)
Claire (3/4, 3/5)
Daniel (2/24, 2/26)
Jake (2/2, 2/7)
James (2/1, 2/8)
Jeff (2/11, 3/23)
Jenn (2/1, 2/2)
Jess (3/29, 3/31)
Joanna (2/9, 2/19)
Kat (2/14, 2/16)
Luke (2/11, 2/29)
Mackenzie (2/1, 2/2)
Taylor (2/29, 3/8)