Dec 18, 2007 00:04
It’s just about 11, and though I’ve already had dinner, I’m hungry. Or I’m tired. Or sad. But I’m hungry, so now I’m in the kitchen boiling up some water for pasta.
My parents are in the other room watching some movie and it sounds like there’s a sex scene going on right now. Interesting sex scene. I think often, when I’m back home these days of- oh the water’s done.
I think often these days of my parents getting older. They are old now, but hopefully they’ll get older still. They like the television, and every now and again they’ll tell me about some new program. It used to be Law & Order, or as my mom says, with her Boston accent, Law ‘n Ahdah. These days, it sounds as though it’s The Wire.
I won’t put my parents in a home. I watched my grandma live her last years in a home. I won’t put my parents in a home. My parents promised me not to put them in a home, so I won’t. I see myself getting them a TiVo though, or some equivalent. Can you see it?
The World of Tomorrow!
Parents - at the least ones that can take care of themselves - will be placed not into nursing homes, but kept in their own houses, with the Television to take care of them! It’s alright if you’re not around to take care of them! We understand that today’s persons are busy persons. Whether it’s writing that great novel of yours, saving foreign countries from certain peril, or just plain dicking around, you’re a busy person who’d like to visit the folks who raised you, but just can’t seem to find the time. Not to worry, with the Television, they’ll be too busy engrossed in the lives of McCoy, Mr. President, and Stringer to notice you’re gone! And when they do think of you, well, not to worry, commercial breaks are only a few minutes long before they’re back off to The Land of Milk & Honey!™ for more vicarious adventures of fun! FUUUUUN! (Here the announcer man’s eyes roll back into his head, his tongue lolls out, drool lightly streams down his cheek, but don’t worry, like your parents, he’s having the time of his life).
You can take full confidence in telling your children that their grandparents are free-range grandparents!
But I digress. This has all been one long digression. I’ve since boiled and eaten my pasta, and my parents headed off to bed when they realized it was the late strike of 11:30. I’ve since forgotten and remembered again what I was sad, or tired, or hungry about. I hate change. I hate that the centre cannot hold, because things fall apart. Pasta, meatballs, and parmesan cheese. I’ll continue this in another entry. It’s just after 12.
generical 2,
thoughts 2