Title: Bang Bang Bang
Fandom: Reservoir Dogs
Pairing: creamsicle
Rating: PG
Author notes: Written because I was so depressed after watching Reservoir Dogs, there has to be somebody to fix the super angst ending, but the fandom is so small there are more orange popsicle in the tag than about Mr. Orange and Mr. White (˘̩̩̩^˘̩̩̩) Unbeta-ed, you've been warning!
Summary: They get the diamonds and runaway together. And also wedding ring!
Larry throws the diamond bag on top the bed, he is grinning happily and then pulls his young partner's body in front of him. They shares a heated kiss, Freddy moans and grips the other suit tightly. Larry tackles Freddy's feet and they stumble on top the bed, their lips are still locked to each other.
Freddy squirms beneath the bigger muscled body of his partner, he can feel the older man's hard on rubs on his own. Larry breaks the kiss first, trail of saliva mingled between their slicked lips. Larry gives a lick to Freddy's bottom lip, before sits up and reaches for the diamond bag.
He opens the bag and fishes out something inside. Freddy gives him curious look, but just keeps silent. And then suddenly Larry's face is brighten, he is holding something in his hand.
"Give your left hand." He demands Freddy who become more curious. Freddy raises his left hand and Larry holds it dearly. He cares the fingers and then pull off the wedding ring from Freddy's ring finger. He throws the wedding ring and then replace it with one golden ring with big diamond crowned on top it.
Freddy's eyes are widen in shock. The wedding ring is only a camouflage so he can get Joe's attention as a young thug. And Larry knows it. He told him after their first encounter of making out. And he still remembers how Larry's face brighten like a five years old getting a bag of candy after he told the truth about the ring.
But still, he never expected Larry to throw the ring, moreover replace it with the new one.
"Thank god it's fit." Larry says, the big smile is still in his face, but now with more of love. "I know it will suits you, the first time I laid my eyes on this ring this morning." He looks at the ring fondly and then glances to Freddy. "Do you like it?"
Freddy is still a little bit shocked, but he can feels his blush creeping on his face. "Yeah, yeah I like it." He dugs his head, tries to hide his tomato face.
Larry's smile is wider and then he kisses Freddy's hand and the diamond ring. He grips Freddy's chin and lift his head so he can kiss him again. Freddy brings his left hand to Larry's face to caress his cheek, and Larry covers it with his own, caressing the soft smaller hand and the ring.
"So, does it mean, you're mine? Forever?" Larry's whispers against Freddy's lip.
"Yes. I'm yours forever, Larry."