20 weeks today...

Jan 27, 2007 15:07

I CANNOT believe I am 20 weeks already.  Crazy stuff how time sure flies fast, when your least expecting it.  Halfway down, and most likely more than halfway since it would be strange I went over my due date this time.

My appetite is back....mostly.  I still can't stand chicken.  I'll eat it, but I can't think about eating it, if that makes any sense.  I can't eat it plain either, only on salads which are smothered in salad dressing.  The smell of chicken is the worst.  Otherwise, food has not been too bad.  I have moments when I go way overboard in what I'm eating, and sadly, it's going to reflect in my weight.  Why do I have to care about weight?  Maybe it's because in the summer it's harder to hide the weight than it is in the winter, and I know I'm on the path to hugeness at this rate.

I think I've found a connection between my headaches and straight chocolate.  Weird, huh?  No more sneaking some M&M's anymore for me.  Or maybe the problem is, it doesn't stop at "some".  Goes along with the overboard concept, lol.

I can feel the baby a lot more now.  Harder kicks.  Mostly down by the old vagina.  That's real comfortable.  LOL  The baby has one definite time of activity each day that I can count on....at night after the kids go to bed and I sit down to take a breather.  The rest of the day, it's random periods of activity for the baby.

TMI......The one thing I dislike about pregnancy, and maybe there is actually something wrong and I just don't know it, is the increased discharge and stink that goes along with it.  It drives me nuts.  I think I had it with Tirzah.  I could have had it with the boys, but I can't remember that far back.  Not that I've ever skipped having a shower a day, but now it is a necessity for more than just my personal well being, but for the well being of others around me who have to endure the stink.  ;)

Feeling better, has allowed me to be more consistent taking my prenatal vitamin, and I can totally notice a change in my energy level.  While I still have periods of the day where I'm tired (like afternoon nap time), I'm not wiped out at early as I used to be.  The downside of the prenatal is, it doesn't matter how much in shredded wheats I eat, constipation has become my companion.  Thankfully it's not horrible, and hopefully I can get a handle on it before I get too far along b/c the bigger I get, the harder it is to deal with on the other end.

I have my ultrasound on the 15th of February.  Two other moms in my mom's group who are due after me, have their ultrasounds before me.  How does that work?  I guess, if we decide not to find out, it's not that big of deal when I have it.  I just want to know that it's a healthy baby.  After seeing so many horrible stories on the pregnancy boards, having reassurance that I'm not going to be joining that club, would be nice.

Overall, this is the part of pregnancy that I love.  Feeling the baby move, not feeling sick all the time (or hardly at all for that matter), and still being comfortable. 
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