Oi, maybe I can shut up about school and combat now.

Apr 28, 2009 23:24

I'm really glad I'm not in Bayside High anymore during these hot days. The publications office would be like a sauna even when it was 70 degrees -- I can't imagine what today must've been like in that Depression-era death trap. That building might be one big H-shaped suicide booth like from Futurama.

I have a bruise on my leg that looks like it might be healing from something. When the hell did I get bruised, anyway? Sunday I swapped sewing for fighting, so maybe then, from resting a heater shield on it that was way too heavy and wide for me. Oh, and not strapped in a way that makes my arm happy. I feel like I just had a blood test done, or maybe bitten by a vampAAAAAHH FUCKING TWILIGHT WITH THE GIANT ARM BITE MARK GAH!

So. Finals are approaching. I've jumped into the quicksand with two feet. I have three rolls of film to shoot / process / print, four papers to write, and three final exams to take. GARGH.

I still need to send in my reservation for Crown Tourney. Hang on, NOBODY MOVE, I'm going to get my member card and photocopy it.

Okay, you can move now.

As of this week there are four females interested in heavy combat, five if you count Vanessa who is still a youth fighter -- myself, Gina, Kat, and another girl whose name I didn't catch. This is awesome news. I'm not a special snowflake, but I'm not alone. It makes me wonder if they worry as much about the physical and social differences between the genders as well, or if I'm just worried about "fitting in." It's too early to tell. On all levels the Ostgardr fighters have been incredibly welcoming and accomodating to me. I'm not entirely sure what the hell I'm worried about. I put a helm on my head, got boxed around a little bit, and I'm perfectly fine now! I mean, the heat is doing stupid things to my brain, but I have not been concussed. (I am going to use that verb everywhere now that I know it exists.)

So ... blah ... school ... Sam is going to be roadtripping out to California for two weeks and the whole ordeal is making my heart fail ... swine flu has shut down a high school not too far from where I grew up ... we went from zero to summer in no time flat, no wonder we're all getting sick ... and I find myself living weekend to weekend, hoping to further construct a life I might have lived.

Better cut that out before my grades suffer.


sca, gender roles can kiss my ass, school, fight practice

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