0012// [Open Comment Log] Library

Sep 18, 2010 12:23

[A stack of books is lined up on the chair next to the exTurk. He has a notebook beside him and a cup of tea. The books are all about boating mechanics of some sort, a few theories of perpetual energy and motion. The other titles are tilted away from the screen. He has two arms again, and from the looks of things, two very normal arms. If you come ( Read more... )

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ntjstapwn September 18 2010, 17:06:31 UTC
*Marco didn't really feel like leaving his room lately, but figured he should try anyway. The library was always--well, usually--quiet, though, so he figured it was a good start.
He hears Veld talk, and its a subject he sort of knows about, so he heads over.*

That's because its probably not really a ship.

*His voice is quiet, and he sounds and looks rather drained.*


consummateturk September 18 2010, 17:13:08 UTC
[Marco looks like he's been attached to a soul pump. Veld's eyes narrow at the accusation of the ship not really being a ship, but that was something Veld himself hadn't considered yet. It seemed too real to be any hologram. Too much to be programmed and they all couldn't be sharing the same hallucination.]

What do you think it is then?


ntjstapwn September 18 2010, 17:17:40 UTC
*Something like that, yeah.
He shrugs and takes a seat near Veld.*

An illusion.

Do you know about the golden frogs?


consummateturk September 18 2010, 17:33:44 UTC
[Veld looks Marco over, trying to discern without being too obvious if the man is on drugs of some kind. ]

How would someone maintain such an illusion for such a long period of time with so many people?

[Veld's not a greedy man, but it was an odd question to bring up.] Frogs made of gold or gold in color?


ntjstapwn September 18 2010, 17:48:40 UTC
*The only drugs Marco's partaken of in the last few days are caffeine and nicotine. Neither have done much good. He's just horribly drained and exhausted, more so mentally than physically.*

I don't know. I don't even know the nature of the illusion; if its magical or technological or what. But I'm willing to believe its true, given what we can find here.

Gold in colour. They seem to be alive...I'm not sure sure if they're worth anything dead. They were given out awhile ago, before I got here. They say if you give one to a crew member, they'll have to answer one question truthfully. We don't really get any proof that it really is true, but some are easier to buy than others.

Among the answers given in exchange for the frogs are that our worlds have been destroyed and that people who leave here die. I believe that 'confirmation' this place is an illusion was one as well. I can't recall exactly all the places I've heard that in right now.
Remy might know better.


consummateturk September 18 2010, 19:32:09 UTC
If it's an illusion explain how there can be so many different laws of phsyics working in one mechanic or in one brain? [That's how this worked, a machine had fininte programing capabilities, a magician had only so much they could think on.] I'd be more willing to believe that we're in purgatory and only about a third of my planet believes in that place.

[Golden Frogs to know the truth but maybe only a version of the truth. Being a liar himself, Veld was not inclined to trust someone with all of the cards and that meant the crew and most of all Redd. He did file it away, however. If they could locate some frogs it may be good leverage for the more trusting passengers.]

Could a passenger become crew I wonder?


ntjstapwn September 18 2010, 19:47:40 UTC
Who says its just one?

*Marco barely trusts what the crew says, frogs or not. He does take their stories as possiblies, but considering how many possibilities there were that didn't say much.*

I don't think we have enough information to do more than guess at any of this.

I don't know. If they do, it must be passengers from previous voyages. We get new crew occasionally, but no one ever recognizes them.

... *He sighs* Unless they're playing with our memories again.


[commentlog] consummateturk September 19 2010, 20:34:34 UTC
[Memories? Interesting.]

Do that do that often, play with your memories?


Re: [commentlog] ntjstapwn September 19 2010, 20:41:10 UTC
Its happened a few times. During what happened a few weeks ago, and there's at least one other instance of missing time while I've been here.

And... *He sighs* ...for awhile the library books removed memories. But that cleared up when Jennifer was recaged.


[commentlog] consummateturk September 23 2010, 20:26:12 UTC
[He'd heard the name Jennifer a few times in his time on the boat, but Veld never asked till now.]

What is Jennifer?


Re: [commentlog] ntjstapwn September 24 2010, 00:11:40 UTC
...I'm not really sure...a ghost or something. She was caged in the theater and turned the ship into her personal hellhole after we let her out. Eventually we recaged her in Carnival and the ship went mostly back to normal.
I told Reno about her before, or a lot of information is still on the network if you look.


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