I managed to turn our sprained ankle into a gigantic bruise. Its really annoying, and tender to the touch, and the ankle still hurts otherwise too. So sucks, and trying not to walk much. Hopefully will get better soon :/ Probably going to be off the computer more for the next few days, cause I want to keep it up and sitting at the comp gets uncomfortable when doing so a lot. *shrug* I'll live. I have vidja games, after all.
Been playing Fable 2 a lot. Its...eh, I get the feeling that I'm just playing it because I have nothing better to do and am too lazy to switch the disc back to Fallout 3. (Well, lately we've decided we'll stick with Fable till the HD comes in the mail so I can patch and update things.) Its amusing enough, but the lack of being able to talk to people or interact with most things annoys me. Also people keep following me around and that bugs me. Though it does get quite amusing when they wander into my house (with my wife and child) and bug me for not giving them presents or marrying them.
Of course my wife has gone missing (possibly taken by the other women/men who want to marry me) and my child has been glitched into an inanimate object who can't really be interacted with, so I guess it doesn't matter as much.
At least its fun to run around and kill things :D The orbs remind us of Kingdom Hearts (especially Struggle, since when you hit people glowing balls fall out).
The car is still kinda messed up. We finally got the part in, but it would cost too much to get it installed ($90. wtf) at the dealer so we took it to the father who said he could do it himself. Except he couldn't get a good angle to remove the one bolt he needs to remove, so he couldn't get it done. Dun feel like doing anything today, so we'll call around for places to try and get it installed on monday.
Putting off hopeful trip to St. Louis till mid July. We've also got a dentist appointment on the 17th, so if teeth still hurt from that it'd be no fun. Also worried ankle might still hate me. And hoping I can do a better job of contacting people about it with more time...Tom sent me some email addies of family members, so I can do something more than just post on facebook and hope they reply. *shrug*
Also been messing with more adoptables lately ^^; I found a digimon adopt site! Digimans are cool :3 Thanks to Diz's obsession, we know them backwards and forwards even if mostly in the original Japanese terms/names (there's a group of people to blame for that). Keep wanting to find and dig out some of the digipets we have, but not sure if I want to keep up with it.
We're saving up for a D-arc. Feel free to ignore the link, we just think its cool.