004 - Video

Apr 10, 2011 14:48

[He can't help it. There isn't anything for him to do now, so he might as well let you all bask in his wonderful glory. He's in his suit, in front of his desk, leaning back slightly. Isn't he cool, guys? He's also dropped the "gay Jim from IT" act completely in favor of something he's a little more used to.]

You know [And he draws that word out forever.] that was a lot of fun. The little...well, who cares about his name...was right. You do turn so delightfully needy when you want something. Already homesick for Mummy? Orrr....Is there someone you left behind?

I do love romance stories. [Have a fake sniffle.] Or perhaps there is a dark secret you don't want to reveal?

Dark secrets? [His voice raises a few octaves.] Here? [And back down.] I know, I know. It's unthinkable.

So let's just move past it, shall we? [Fake cowboy drawl:] Just keep on trucking.

Or...however you barbarians say it.

Let's do something fun.

boooooooored, lolwut?, can't touch this, this boat is bananas, come and play, moriarty

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